Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 393 The Creator Is Here.

Down on the lower floors, Gregory didn’t know how things became so damn dangerous.

Gregory was staring up at the large typhoon that surrounded the entire floor and tightened his scythe in his hand! What the fuck was that!? Gregory hasn’t felt a power like this since he last saw Han! Even Han didn’t have this much power! Han’s power was usually collected and focused. It was like a sword that Han could wield easily. Meanwhile, this typhoon felt like raw, unrestrained Mana that threatened to choke anyone that dared to get too close! It covered the entire floor in a blanket of Mana and no one on this floor could even stand straight! The only reason why Gregory and Rau were fine was because they were black stars! If he was a gold or even a silver star then he would definitely be on the ground like a lot of the other chosen!

This whole thing started when Gregory and Raphael were confronting each other. Gregory never intended to just go out and confront Raphael like that, but after Gregory saw the large crowd of chosen that were involved in the ritual that would give them extra stars, he became angry and he walked out from behind the area they were watching from. He couldn’t accept that all these fools were throwing away Han’s effort for the sake of only a little more power!

[BloodLust] has been activated

Everyone in the ritual immediately recognized his bloodlust once he e pulsed it and they were forced into silence they turned around to face him! Gregory was a very popular face on the lower floors because he was the right hand to King Han so when some of the chosen saw him, they immediately became terrified!

“It’s Gregory! Does that mean the king is here as well!?”

“Why is he releasing so much bloodlust!? Hey. Calm down a little! You’re gonna kill us!”

“Maybe he also came for an extra star?”

Things like these were floating around the crowd and Gregory ignored the annoying ants as he stared up at the angel sitting on a throne e above them. Raphael was no longer sitting in a relaxed position. No, he was now sitting up and looking at Gregory with narrowed eyes. Raphael didn’t know who the fuck Gregory was but Raphael could still sense that Gregory was not weak! Gregory was a high-ranking black star and his power was even higher than most of the kings!

What is someone like this doing on the lower floors!? I thought that those on the higher floors didn’t care about what happened down here! Raphael stood up calmly and gave Gregory a condescending look. It didn’t matter at the end of the day if Gregory was from the upper floors. All Raphael has to do is kill Gregory and it will be like none of this ever happened!

“It seems that my actions have gotten further than I thought they would. What is a black star doing here? Don’t tell me you came down here to stop me from giving stars to these poor souls…”

Raphael stretched his hands and his wings out and gestured to all the chosen standing around them. All the chosen standing around started to whisper amongst themselves again!

“Is he here to stop it!?”

“But why!? It’s not like he is doing anything bad!”

“This is just like those snubs from up there! They’ll do anything to oppress us!”

Raphael smiled once he heard these whispers. It was always so easy to control the mortals down here. Sheep. There was nothing better to use as a description for them other than sheep. They would follow anything and anyone that gives them enough food and shelter and with just a little push, the idiots would do whatever I want them to! Raphael allowed them to continue whispering for some time before Raphael continued with a small sigh.

“You people on the upper floors are always the same. You want to hoard all the good for yourselves and prevent anyone else from enjoying the fruits of this temple. How much would it hurt them if you stop me now? Have you thought of that? Have you ever considered the feelings of these poor people down here? You haven’t, have you? You just want to be the hero to your king by stopping me by any means necessary,”

Raphael barely finished what he was saying before another man shouted in anger as he pointed an accusing finger at Gregory! Raphael was right! “They are always doing this! Even when we want to get stronger so we can fight for ourselves, they still try their best to stop us!”

“Yeah!! What’s your problem!? You just come down here to take everything from us!! Can’t you allow us to have something for once!!?”

Raphael tilted his head to one side and smiled roguishly. That’s right. This was exactly what he needed. Raphael only needed one person to become agitated and just like a tidal wave, the agitation would travel across the crowd until it becomes a roaring storm!

[Bloodlust] has been activated at full power!


Gregory suddenly released his full bloodlust, and just like that, the storm died a horrid death as everyone in front of Gregory fell to their knees immediately! Gregory wasn’t the sort of person that bothered with conversation and he would rather use force to make people see how stupid they were being. He didn’t even say a single word as he stared up at Raphael with anger in his eyes. He knew exactly what Raphael was trying to do and Gregory hated it because it reminded him too much of his father. Raphael was just like a monarch that knew how to control the people and make them think exactly what and how you want them to think. Raphael’s father was also a good king, and even though his father was never a tyrant, Gregory can only remember his father as a bad person.

Raphael, meanwhile, was just smiling in that annoying way that made Gregory want to punch his teeth in! Raphael knew that Gregory was eager to fight him! Gregory looked like he desperately wanted to come up to the stage to fight. But Gregory couldn’t do that because of all the people around. Who do you think will suffer the most if a celestial and a black star fought? Just a single skill from either of them would be enough to kill every single person here! does Gregory want to kill all the chosen here just for the sake of a fight? Raphael didn’t think so. and besides, Gregory wasn’t worth  Raphael’s time. Why should a celestial bring himself so low to fight against a mere chosen?

No, Raphael doesn’t plan on fighting against Gregory. It would be bad if he makes his presence on this floor known to everyone. Once he releases a skill here, then there is no way that the other celestials won’t be able to tell that he was the one. Instead, Raphael would leave for now and come back another time. Raphael already did what he needed to do to the chosen ones on these lower floors! He gave them extra stars and he planted a seed of doubt in their minds! Now, Raphael only needs to let it grow!

Gregory was about to start walking forward to confront Raphael, but he stopped when Paravell appeared in front of him suddenly! Paravell had a small glare on his face as he looked at everything happening around him. He turned to Leona that was on her knees and Leona had to look away when she noticed his disappointment.

Paravell was the strongest gold star on these lower floors and he was also the only one with a class of his own, but Paravell was not the sort of person that interacted with the other chosen a lot. Paravell usually stayed on the forty-ninth floor and he never had a reason to leave. But once Paravell felt the intense BloodLust that was gathering on this lower floor, he had to come to see what was going on! The only person that has ever released BloodLust like that before was Han and Paravell already recognized Han’s bloodlust so he could tell whenever Han is the one releasing bloodlust! But this one was completely different and Paravell had to come and see who it was immediately!

“I should have known it was you. With this much bloodlust, are you trying to kill them? Reduce it,”

Gregory gave Paravell a look of annoyance and Paravell tried his best to return the stare calmly. Paravell was also affected by the bloodlust, but he had to force himself to stay on his feet and talk to Gregory. If Gregory doesn’t reduce his bloodlust, then he could kill all the chosen here!

“Did you know about this?”

Gregory asked this question with a small frown and Paravell immediately shook his head. Paravell has been up on floor forty-nine all this while and that is why he has never heard about the extra stars or even the messiah! Paravell never had a reason to interact with the other chosen so he doesn’t care about whatever is happening with them. But he only had to come out because of Gregory’s bloodlust.

Gregory narrowed his eyes at Paravell. He could tell that Paravell wasn’t lying and that was the only reason why Gregory listened to him and reduced his bloodlust so that he would allow the other chosen in the area to breathe. He then shrugged Paravells hand off his shoulder. He hated when people touched him.

Gregory finally turned back to Raphael and he spoke with an annoyed tone. Gregory really just wanted to beat Raphael right now and end everything, but that could lead to the destruction of this entire floor. So Gregory decided that he would take Rachel with him and bring Raphael to Han! Even though he was annoyed, Gregory was still a sensible person and he knew what he should and shouldn’t be doing.

“You’re coming with me, you flying chicken. I don’t care if you think you’re in the right or wrong. I’ll personally end you if you try to resist,”

Raphael frowned when he heard the ‘flying chicken’ term, but he didn’t allow it to get to him! Raphael already had everything that he needed on this floor and he really didn’t need to be here anymore! With the number of people that I gave stars to, I’m sure that I can start a revolution anytime I want!

The chosen that have received stars would only get stronger and those that didn’t receive stars would realize that Raphael was right. This will make them believe in Raphael more and then they will start blaming Han for them not getting stars. It was going to play out like a stack of dominos that are falling along a line! All Raphael had to do now was sit back and watch the show

“You know, there is only so much I can tolerate before I truly lose my temper. So it will be best if I simply left. Perhaps you can tell the rest of the chosen how you sent me away and prevented them from receiving extra stars. Your greed and King Han’s desire to hoard all the strength to himself is the reason for this outcome. And this is only going to lead to more division among you all,”

Raphael spoke loud enough so that all the chosen around him could hear. With just those few words, he was able to place a seed directly into all their thoughts!

King Han is responsible for this!

This is what they will all start to think, and before long, this temple will have such an unbelievable internal conflict that the chosen won’t even have time to bother with the Celestials!

When the conflict begins, Raphael would ask Paladin to send some binaries down to help those on the lower floors so that things would be even. Yes, that would be perfect. The gold stars won’t have much of a chance against black stars, even with their extra stars, but the binaries helping them would even things out very well!

Raphael was about to activate a portal skill that would allow him to leave and Gregory immediately prepared to charge forward after Raphael. But Raphael rose a brow in surprise when nothing happened. He snapped his finger again, and once more, nothing happened. What the hell was going on?

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The sky above floor thirty suddenly started to darken and a large circle of clouds started to twist and turn over the entire congregation of people! Everyone stared upwards in surprise as they wondered what was going on! Gregory immediately wondered if it was Han that arrived, but he changed his mind when he couldn’t feel Han’s power. If it was Han then Gregory would know! Han’s power was something that Gregory has felt a lot of times before and if this was Han then there is no way Gregory wouldn’t know! Then who the hell is this!? If it isn’t Han, then that means it is another entity that was as strong as Han!

Gregory turned to look at Raphael and he was surprised when he saw the shock on Raphael’s face! Raphael looked like he was seeing a ghost! Raphael couldn’t believe what was happening! It was undeniable, but Raphael’s mind couldn’t comprehend it!

“This… Is truly a disappointment. And it will be the last straw,”

A loud booming voice broke through the clouds and echoed through the entire floor for everyone to hear! The voice was filled with power and anyone who heard it immediately knew that this was a very strong person!

The creator was here!

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