Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 394 You Must All Leave.

While Gregory, Rau, and Raphael were still being distracted by the typhoon in the air, Paravell decided that this was too dangerous for him to simply stare and watch! He already figured out that this typhoon wasn’t caused by Han so the best thing he could do now was to call Han and see if Han knew what the hell was going on here!

Paravell immediately contacted Han through the shadow hunter that Han left in his shadow a long time ago! Han told Paravell that he should only use this when the situation is very important, but if this isn’t an important situation, then I don’t know what the hell Han would see as important!

Immediately after his call with Paravell, Han hurried to get his clothes on and make his way out of the room. His movements caused Yana to wake up and she blinked in surprise as she saw her husband rushing out. What was so important that he was leaving so quickly? She hasn’t even had time to really talk to him yet.

Han barely had time to explain anything to Yana. He knew that it was bad to just leave her after sex like this, but he really had to go before the creator leaves. Han needed to be there to see the creator. Han knew a chance like this was not common, and Han would make sure not to miss this one.

“So you really can’t stay any longer?”

“I’ll see you once I get back! I’m really sorry,”

Han planted a kiss on Yana’s lips and Yana just nodded when she noticed the urgency in Han’s eyes. It seems that Han was in a hurry to get somewhere so she didn’t bother stopping him. She would just ask him what it was all about when he gets back!

“I’ll make something for you to eat. So make sure you come back once you’re done,”

Han was grateful that she wasn’t asking many questions and he just smiled at her in thanks before he dropped through the shadows! Han reappeared from Paravells shadow Paravell almost got into an attack position in surprise at the sudden appearance. He still wasn’t used to seeing people move through shadows.

Han ignored the movement from Paravell and he looked around. This was close to the exit of the thirtieth floor. Han told Paravell to evacuate all the chosen from this floor so Paravell was in the middle of the evacuation when Han appeared. Gregory and Raphael were nowhere to be found and Han immediately spread his senses out to see where they were. Han noticed Gregory and Rau on the other side of the floor and he noticed that they were right in the middle of the typhoon.

Paravell immediately greeted Han but Han ignored him and looked up. It was only now that Han understood why everyone thought this was him! If not for the fact that Han was right here, anyone would have thought that this was one of his skills! The signature of the typhoon and even the way it looked was identical to Hans [Atmospheric Dominion]! It looked like Han’s skill was only a copy that was created using this original skill!

Did my system create the [Atmospheric Dominance] skill by copying one of the creator’s skills?

Han narrowed his eyes at the sky before he floated off the ground to get closer! Paravell tried to stop Han so that they could talk but Han wasn’t interested in talking at all and he just took off.

Paravell was shocked when he saw that Han was able to fly and he wondered why Han could still fly! No one on this floor could use their skill! Even Gregory and Raphael couldn’t use their skills to try and go anywhere! it was as if their systems were all shut off!

The creator had locked down all the skills on this floor and he did this to prevent Raphael from getting away! The only person that could still use his skills was Han and that was only because Han had [Administrator Control]! The Administrator’s Control allowed Han to bypass all external influences on his system and he is the only one that could manipulate his system in any way he wanted! So even though no one else could fly or even use their skills, Han could still use them!

The entire floor was saturated with the heavy aura that was swirling across the sky and Han couldn’t deny that he was also affected by it. Han wondered what the hell the creator was doing here. Was this because of what Gregory was trying to solve? If this was because of Gregory, then Gregory should have called Han for help already. Han was a little disappointed that Gregory was doing something this important and he didn’t bother to tell him about it. This sort of mission was too much for Gregory to handle alone!

Gregory and Rau were standing close to the eye of the typhoon when Han arrived and they were both looking up at the swirling clouds. Neither of them could use their skills but they didn’t want to leave yet because they wanted to know what the fate of Raphael would be. It was obvious to both of them that the creator appeared here because of Raphael! The voice that spoke has been ignoring them all this time and only Raphael has been focused on!

Raphael rose his hand to the side in an annoyed gesture as he looked up with a glare!

“So this is the first time you decide to intervene!? When I’m the one trying to do some good!? Where the hell have you been all this time!?”

Raphael shouted to the sky in a loud and annoyed voice. The creator didn’t respond, instead, lightning started to streak across the sky. The typhoon got even stronger and faces as dust and debris started to get picked up and thrown around!

Raphael was unbelievably angry that the creator wasn’t even answering him! So what if I came to the temple!? Why the hell does the creator suddenly care so much about what we do!? For the last hundred thousand years, he hasn’t even said anything, and all of a sudden he is trying to act like some sort of executioner! Do you really think that I’ll just bow my head and ask for forgiveness!?

The creator told the celestials not to come to the temple until Han was finished with it so Raphael knew that what he did was against the law, but he couldn’t find it in himself to be remorseful! The creator has no right to come and start acting like an enforcer when he has been so nonchalant all this time!

You know what, I don’t even care anymore! Fuck you!!”


A great lightning bolt flew across the sky and slammed into Raphael and it created a large crater in the ground as it struck Raphael to the ground! Gregory and Rau immediately took many steps back as they didn’t want to be hit by the lightning as well. Gregory couldn’t help but think that this looked like a father punishing his child!

The situation was very dangerous Gregory noticed that Rau was desperate to leave this place! Rau didn’t want to be hit by the lightning so he wanted to leave with the other chosen!

“Gregory, we have to leave this place. We won’t survive a lightning bolt like that if it hits us,”

Gregory ignored Rau when Rau tried to call his attention and he stayed rooted in place. Gregory wanted to see this through till the end.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

A familiar voice rang out from his side and Gregory turned around to see a scowling Han floating in the air. Han was looking down at the both of them curiously as he asked them what they were doing here and Gregory told Han that he wanted to stay. Han narrowed his eyes as he immediately said no.

“The both of you need to get to the portal right now and meet Paravell so you can leave this floor. I won’t let you stay,”

“But -“

“Gregory, do as I say. I won’t repeat myself a second time. Get to Paravell and get out of here now!”

A rumble echoed in the sky along with Han’s orders and Gregory grit his teeth in anger before he obeyed and left with Rau! He didn’t want to go at all, but Gregory didn’t really have a choice! Han was his king and he had enough respect for Han to follow his orders! Gregory was sure that Han had a reason for what he was saying! Gregory would definitely ask Han about this later!

Once the both of them left, a large lightning bolt shot out from the clouds and slammed into where Gregory had been standing and Han scowled at the sky in annoyance! Another lightning bolt slammed into the spot beside Han and a third one slammed into Raphael again! Lightning bolts rained down from the sky in all directions and Han glared up at the sky as one of the lightning bolts raced toward him and tried to strike him as well!!

Han used his palm to slap the lightning bolt away and he rose a brow in disbelief. Did the creator really think that something like that would hurt me? Even if I don’t have any skills active, I still wouldn’t be hurt by it. Han spread his senses out and looked around the area to make sure that there was no one around. With the way the creator was throwing Lightning bolts around, Han was sure that it would kill any weaker chosen that was around.

Thankfully, Paravell and all the other chosen were no longer on this floor. Han couldn’t feel their magic signatures at all so he was sure that they had all left this floor already. Even Gregory and Rau were no longer around. Han lifted himself off the ground and slowly went into the air and just stayed at a spot while watching. There was a rumble in the sky from above Han and Han looked up with an annoyed gaze again. The creator was threatening Han to leave right now and Han knew that the creator was trying to get him to leave. But Han wasn’t going to be threatened away by mere lightning! Was this some sort of joke?

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