Spring Winds

Chapter 48: Strange Feeling

Chapter 48: Strange Feeling

"You know Senior Sister, it's a bit strange," holding onto Senior Sister's arm, I could tell we weren't too far from the banquet we slowly approached closer to the warm lantern lights.

"What's strange?"

"Em, well, I know you said that I shouldn't approach that big sister, but I can't help but have a strange feeling when I'm around her."


"Yeah, I don't know. For some reason, even though that big sister may appear dangerous to you, but she doesn't seem to want to harm me."

"Is that so?"

"Em," nodding, I leaned more into Senior Sister.

Ah, I'm getting somewhat tired. -(')

"It feels like I'm related to her, but I can't exactly pinpoint this feeling. It's so strange since I'm sure I only met this big sister only recently."

"Hmm," Senior Sister pursed her lips as her brows furrowed. "That woman is powerful, so there might be a chance that she could be manipulating you."

"That's true, but I still can't help this feeling of mine."

"Why? Have you taken a liking to her?"

Huh? Where did this come from? ('`)?

Looking up at Senior Sister, I could make her peeved expression illuminated in the dim red lantern lighting.

Ho-ho, what's this? (v )

"Senior Sister, are you jealous of that big sister or something?"

"N-no, not at all," instantly, Senior Sister's features cooled back to their usual calm. "You must be seeing things."

Hmm, I wonder. ()

"Your wrist," suddenly changing the subject, Senior Sister stopped as she turned to me.

Huh? My wrist?

Oh, right. ()

In the area that Senior Sister grabbed earlier, a red band painted itself across my skin.

Grabbing my wrist, Senior Sister gently held it in her hand. "I'm sorry, I must've grabbed too hard. You must've been in pain."

Suddenly a pair of soft lips lightly kissed the reddened area, like a dragonfly landing on water.

A strange itchy feeling traveled from my wrist to the rest of my body as I went her warm breath against my arm.

However, strangely enough, it felt kind of pleasant.

Still holding my wrist to her lips, she asked as she planted another kiss, "Does it still hurt?"

"Um, no-

Yes! It does," nodding my head, I pouted, "Ah, the pain!" (' ;v;)

Pulling back, Senior Sister returned to her usual serene look as she frowned, "Does it still hurt or not?"

What's with this strange Senior Sister today? Did my usual cold Senior Sister get swapped out with this kind sister?

"Haha, did the Sun rise from the west today?" ()


"Why is Senior Sister acting so nice to me all of a sudden?"

I mean, I would've expected that Senior Sister would scold me as she usually does, but this time it's different.

Not to say that I hate it or anything! I kind of prefer this gentle Senior Sister instead of an angry one.

But still, it's a bit strange. ( )

"What!" From the dim lighting of the night, I could see Senior Sister's ears redden as she dropped my hand. "Does this senior usually mistreat you?"

Hehe, making Senior Sister flustered, never gets old! Haha!

"Your ears are turning bright red, Senior Sister! Haha, they're as red as these lanterns!" ( )

"Tsk, whatever," brisking, walking away, Senior Sister grumbled, "I'm leaving!"

"Haha! Senior Sister! Wait for this junior, ah-ha," running up from behind; I grabbed onto Senior Sister. "You'll have to treat this junior like this from now on, haha!" **)

"Tsk! You, get off me!"

"Haha! No!"

"Hah, you silly girl," ears still burning red, Senior Sister stopped trying to push me off her. "Do what you want."

"Haha! I win!" Hehe, Senior Sister, can be so cute sometimes. ( )


"Xiao Hua! Miss Zhu!"

In the distance, a young man dressed in a scholarly manner waved to us by the carriages.

"Eldest Brother," approaching the young man, Senior Sister greeted him with a rare smile. "How was the banquet?"

"Eh, it was okay," he shrugged as he opened his bamboo fan. "Some political fighting here and there, but overall, pretty standard.

Though I must say," covering his mouth, he leaned in close to us with a hushed whisper. "The emperor is not looking too good today."

"What," a crease started to form between Senior Sister's brows. "Does that mean"

"Em, it's possible," Senior Sister's brother nodded as he straightened his back. "Tensions were high there. It could be any day now."

"Father must be having a tough time then; he's one of the only ones who remained neutral during all of this."

"I wonder," her brother sighed before turning his attention to me. "Miss Zhu, did you enjoy the banquet?"

"Haha, unfortunately, I missed the party," scratching my head, I smiled sheepishly. "Though I still had fun."

Fun teasing Senior Sister up until we arrived here! Hehe!

Honestly, I was surprised she didn't try to beat me or anything! The Senior Sister I know wouldn't stand for any type of teasing.

Perhaps, Senior Sister is finally warming up to me?

"Hmm, well, as long as you had fun!"


Senior Sister's brother, Ye Chun, is a pretty cool guy.

From the past few days of hanging out with him along with Senior Sister, I could see how much the pair of siblings cared for each other.

And Senior Sister looked happy, which in turn made me happy, of course. *v*

Ye Chun himself looked pleased that there was someone to accompany Senior Sister as well. He mentioned that growing up; he had to leave as he was once a part of a pretty large sect in the area.

Therefore, the young Senior Sister was left alone back home with their ailing mother.

He also mentioned that Senior Sister didn't have many friends growing up as she was focused solely on her studies.

Which surprised me a lot! (;)

How is it possible for someone to grow up alone, with no one of a similar age? It blew my mind as Senior Sister seemed to be able to socialize pretty well, so why didn't she make any friends?

Ah, it must be because of how much of a genius Senior Sister is, that those little brats must've felt intimidated by her.

Hmph, well I suppose that's true. Not just anyone can approach Senior Sister as this auntie can.

Hehe! ( )

Anyways, Ye Chun and I hit it off pretty quickly as he was enthusiastic to talk to someone, and I was curious about Senior Sister's past.

Hehe, the number of embarrassing stories that I have learned

Those will be precious resources later. ( v)

Though I have to admit, the way we met was pretty weird.

I didn't see him the day I arrived, but rather during the days I've been uh, hiding from Senior Sister.

I believe he must've mistaken me for some pretty boy or something, as he tried to recruit me into Senior Sister's harem.

Which was excellent and all, it's good to hear that Ye Chun cares about Senior Sister so much that he wants to build her a harem of companions.

But for some reason, he was keen on having me join, even after I told him that I was a girl.


He even offered me the position of being Senior Sister's first wife.

Haha, honestly, this guy has a great sense of humor! (')

"Well, should we go home?"

"Em," Senior Sister nodded, "It's getting late."

Hopping into the carriage, we began our journey back to the Ye Manor.


Riding in the carriage with Senior Sister, I watched as Senior Sister slept quietly, her head leaning up against the carriage wall.

Her pale face illuminated by the crack of moonlight coming in from the window, and her long eyelashes quivered like butterfly wings as she slept.

Heh, even when sleeping, Senior Sister doesn't lose her grace. ()

As I watched Senior Sister sleep, I couldn't help but think about today's events. Especially, Senior Sister's reaction, to that big sister.

"Ah, I can't make heads or tails of it."

Today might be the first time that I've seen Senior Sister so on edge. Usually, whenever faced with any hardship or obstacles, Senior Sister would meet time all with cold indifference.

But this time, yielded a different reaction when it came to that big sister.

I wonder what it was about that big sister that made Senior Sister so worried.

"Fei Fu Qu," testing the name on tongue, it didn't seem familiar, nor do I recall ever hearing that name before, nonetheless of the mysterious Fei Family.

And yet, that strange feeling sits at the back of mind. It might've gone unnoticed before, but now lingers in the back of my mind.

"Fei Fu Qu, just who are you?"

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