Spring Winds

Chapter 49: Family Dinner

Chapter 49: Family Dinner

Heh, well

This is awkward. ( ;)

In the large dining hall, the sound of chopsticks clinked against porcelain bowls as Senior Sister's family and I sat around a large circular table, no one had said a word since the meal started.

It's been a few days since the imperial banquet, and to my surprise, the head of the household invited me over for dinner for the first time since I arrived.

Well, I suppose I can't complain as I did arrive uninvited.

Senior Sister seemed hesitant to let me dine with her relatives, but eventually, I managed to convince her to let me come.

Now, looking back, perhaps Senior Sister was right about me not coming. (;)

Meekly eating my rice, I couldn't get over how awkwardly quiet this dinner was. What kind of family is this where no one talks or says anything for its duration?

What am I supposed to do? Just sit here and eat in silence? ()

Despite the abundance of delicacies on the table, not many took any initiative to pick a single piece. At most, they would dip their chopsticks in the dish once, before leaving it to cool.

Ah, these rich people don't know how to be thrifty! ()

Look at all this food! This entire amount could feed a whole family of twelve!

Heck, maybe even this amount might suffice as one meal for Master alone!

Aiyah, such a waste.

I would make a move on some of the delicious dishes before me, especially some of that steamed fish.

However, this tension in the room was so awkward; I was a bit afraid to bring attention to myself.

"Here," suddenly, Senior Sister dropped a tender piece of white fish into my bowl. "If you want to eat it, then eat."

Ah, Senior Sister! You're my hero, thank you! (-)

Biting into the tender white flesh, I couldn't help but moan out a bit of how good it was!

What kind of fish is this? It's so tasty! ( )

Ignoring my previous embarrassment, I went ahead and helped myself to another serving of fish.

Hehe, since no one wants to eat it, let this auntie have the honor of doing so! ( )

Peeking at Senior Sister from the corner of my eye, I watched as she slowly ate her food, but barely touched the items that the lady beside her father dropped on her plate.

Hmm, I wonder what this is about. ()

Suddenly, a throaty grunt interrupted the awkward calm in the room.

The sound source came from the one sitting next to the head of the table, Senior Sister's father,

"Ahem," Father Ye coughed once more before wiping his mouth with a napkin before flashing a polite smile. "Martial Aunt Jing Ran, it's an honor for our humble family to host such an esteemed guest."

"Oh, um, the honor is mine?

I suppose I should thank you for letting me stay so long."

After all, I did just kind of barge into here and demanded to see Senior Sister.

Heck and I didn't even ask to stay for the night, so I must be overstepping my stay. And, it's already been a week since I came, so perhaps this is where they shove me out with a smile.

"But of course," he laughed. "You're the junior sister of my dear daughter.

We wouldn't dare turn you away at the door."

"Hah, hah, um, yeah. Thank you for that," stretching a smile across my face, I tried to ease the room's awkward mood.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this? ( )

"Hmm," Father Ye smiled without teeth. "Martial Aunt Jing Ran, I assume that you must've accompanied my daughter for a long time, yes?"

"Em, that's right. Almost a year now."

Hmm, now that I think about it, it has been a long time since my Senior Sister got hit in the face by my kite.

Haha, I'm sure that Senior Sister forgot all about that now

Right? (;)

"Yes, and during that time, my daughter has grown into a fine woman. Don't you agree?"

Suddenly, the temperature in the room began to drop ever so slightly.

Peeking at Senior Sister from the corner of my eyes, I could see that she stopped eating and kept her head down, obscuring my view of her face.

"Uh, yeah. Of course." Did she look that different compared to a year ago? She still looks as beautiful as ever.

"And won't it be a waste if she remained unmarried and alone?"

"Huh? How would she be alone?" Senior Sister would have me, of course. And I'm not sure about her family situation, but they have her back too, right? ('_`)

"Haha, of course, she wouldn't truly be alone," he laughed. "But it would be a shame if my beautiful daughter became an old spinster, yes?"


Abruptly, the temperature in the room dropped immensely, more so than I've ever felt before.

"Father," an eerily calm and cold tone came from Senior Sister as Ye Chun tried to calm her down. "If you will excuse me," she muttered, brushing off Ye Chun's hand before leaving the room.


"Senior Sister-" Getting out my chair, I tried to run after her, but Ye Chun grabbed hold of me, shaking his head softly.

Slumping back in my seat, I couldn't wrap my head around what had just happened. I haven't seen Senior Sister do anything like that before. (A;)

"Hmph," suddenly, for the first time of this entire night, the elderly family head said something. "This old man has grown tired of this repetitive talk; it has spoiled tonight's dinner once again."

With the help of his cane and a maidservant, the old man stood up. "Everyone can eat dinner back in their rooms. This old man will be leaving."

Father Ye looked as if he wanted to say something but was quickly comforted by the lady beside him.

Dismissing the rest of the family, everyone got up to leave.

"Well," Ye Chun piped up beside me, "That was another disaster."

"Uh, yeah," what was that about?

First, Father Ye started to ask me questions, and the next thing is that Senior Sister stormed out of the room, aiyah.

I don't understand what's going on.

"Hey," Ye Chun smiled. "Care to join me for some tea? Xiao Hua might not be able to accompany you for some time, and I don't know about you, but I could go for some fresh air, right now."

"Eh, sure," after that whole affair, I supposed it would be good to have a change of scenery.


Seated in a gazebo, it was the same one where I gave Senior Sister her sword. As I overlooked the quiet frozen pond, the mellow view was a stark contrast to tonight's heated dinner.

"Here," pushing over a cup of steaming tea, Ye Chun smiled. "I hope you don't mind having Oolong tea."

"It's fine, I can drink or eat just about anything," graciously taking the cup with both hands, I felt the hot tea warm my hands as I looked over the winter scenery.

I wonder where Senior Sister is right now ('^)

"I wouldn't worry about Xiao Hua too much," as if reading my thoughts, Ye Chun sipped his tea with a tired smile. "Whenever she and Father butt heads, she always does this."

"She does?" It seemed so unlike the polite and cold Senior Sister that I know. Even when she's mad, she always endured it with a quiet fury

"Eh," Ye Chun nodded as he took a sip of tea. "It's tough to make Xiao Hua mad. At most, she would be upset for a short period before letting the issue go.

She has a rather mild temper, in my opinion."

Wait! Does that mean perhaps, that she never got that angry with me in the past?

Was she possibly just messing with this auntie then?! (;)

All of those times, I had to endure Senior Sister fury over my rather minor errors; she wasn't mad?

Was all my suffering for nothing then?! (;)//

Aiyah, I can't believe the number of layers I have uncovered from Senior Sister after just one trip!

I've been deceived!

I think I need to lie down or something.

"Pfft! Haha," Ye Chun suddenly started sputtering into laughter as he held his stomach, hysterically. He could barely keep himself together as he leaned over the table, trying to stifle his laughs with one hand.

What's so funny, young man?! `'

Do not you realize how much I went through whenever Senior Sister got mad at me? The amount of suffering that I went through? All of that time that I couldn't sit down properly because of Senior Sister's punishments?!

And all of that time locked up in closed-door cultivation lost! (`' ;)/

Time and youth that I will never get back! ()

How dare you make light of this auntie's suffering!

Although you're a cool guy, come on! Have some sympathy for this girl!

"You know," Ye Chun laughed between wiping his tears away. "I'm glad that Xiao Hua has someone like you by her side."

"Oh," calming myself down a bit, I downed the rest of my tea, which had grown cold. "It's no problem, I guess. I sort of just stuck myself to Senior Sister when we first met."

"Em, well, I'm thankful you were so assertive," he laughed before taking another sip of tea. "Xiao Hua has a difficult time getting close with others, so to know that someone so loyal to her will stay with her is reassuring," as a melancholic expression made its way on Ye Chun's face, he stopped talking.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Hah, it's perhaps best if Xiao Hua told you these things herself."


Wandering through the meandering paths and walkways of Ye Manor, I was starting to regret declining Ye Chun's offer of bringing me back to my room.

Haha, oh well!

I'm sure that I'll find my way back eventually! It's not like this place can keep me here forever! (**)

And unlike Yun Cai Peak, I'm sure that there won't be random traps for me to climb out of either!

This walk back should be a breeze!

A few hours later

"This is not a breeze," slumping against the wall; I crouched on a piece of pavement that the snow failed to cover.

For the past few hours, or however long, I found myself wandering in circles. Corridors seem to bend together, creating a massive labyrinth of some sort.

What kind of manor is this? ()

Is there some array under my feet that makes it impossible for me to navigate anywhere?!

"Haha, great!

Now how am I supposed to find my way back!"

I mean, there should've been some servants around here, but not a single person had walked past strangely enough!

Even more so, when I tried to climb over the walls to see where I was, all of the rooftops look the same, making it impossible to differentiate which one was mine!

And I wasn't about to drop down into some random courtyard for fear of being mistaken as an assassin or whatever.

"Aiyah! I don't know you do it, Naran!" If I had a piece of silver for each time I got lost, I would be rolling in money!


What is this mindset, Naran!

Standing up, I brushed off the flakes of snow that had gathered on my shoulders. "You're a brave and strong woman! You've been through worse traps and mazes before! How could this manor be your final resting place!

Plus! Senior Sister can't always come to your rescue! You have to help yourself!"

With this renewed sense of motivation, I patted myself on the back one more time for good measure, "Let's do this!" ( v )


Naran, you're incredible at deluding yourself but!

I believe this time will be a success!

Hopefully. ()

"And right about now, I should be in my courtyard!"

Rounding another corner, suddenly, the tip of a sword pointed itself at my throat.

Haha or not (;v)

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