Spring Winds

Chapter 50: Ginger Milk Pudding

Chapter 50: Ginger Milk Pudding

"Haha, hi, Senior Sister."

How the heck did I get myself into a situation like this? ()

Trying my best not to appear intimidating, I plastered a broad smile on to cover up my nervousness within. (;)

Senior Sister, please drop the sword away from me! I don't want its first blood to be that of its creator! (';;`)

"Junior Sister," dropping her sword, she placed it back into its sheath. "What are you doing here?"

"Haha, um, you know, I'm just," I tried to think of a reasonable answer as my eyes wandered for a solution.

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of looking behind Senior Sister, as all that laid there was pure carnage. ('';)

In the large training yard, piles of broken wooden dummies, splintered beyond recognition, with massive sword gashes marking the surrounding pillars, as the ground littered with fresh sword marks that were still steaming from impact.

Mild temper, my a*s, Ye Chun! `'

Is this your definition of a 'mild temper,' you bastard!

This is perhaps the angriest that I've ever seen Senior Sister!

Well, her face didn't show it, but I could read body language! (;;)

However, despite the string of curses running through my mind, I tried to keep my terror and rage within. "Heh, he, I'm just, uh, exploring!"

"Exploring," a crease appeared between her brows, unconvinced as her eyes narrowed, sharp as blades. "In the middle of the night.

In winter.

And after you've already had an entire tour of the manor with Ye Chun."

"Uh, yep! You know it's best to explore places while it's in different conditions, unlike its norm! It um, makes it so that you're ready for anything to happen."

"Like what."

"Like um," tugging at my collar, I began to sweat profusely despite the weather. (v;)

Geez, Senior Sister, do you need to look at me so intensely? You're kind of freaking this junior out!

Along with her new sword in hand and sharp black eyes, she looked as if she were ready to kill someone.

"Like, like, getting lost at in the middle of the woods, or um,

Running into sword-wielding women."

"Is that so?"

"Haha, yeah," scratching my head; I began my retreat, back to safety. "You know, it's late.

I better go back to my room-" ==(*'`)

Turning to leave, I was suddenly yanked back by my collar as an ominous feeling came up my gut.

Uh oh. (;)

"S-Senior Sister?"

"How long has it been since I last trained with you?"


"Haha, Senior Sister," wiggling my way out of her grasp, I abandoned my cloak to escape her iron grip. "It was nice bumping into you and even more to have that pleasant dinner with your family.

But, it's getting late, so I think I better-"

However, before I could run away and escape, I found myself trapped against the wall, as Senior Sister's arm blocked my exit.

Heh, he, what is the meaning of this Senior Sister?!

"You seem to have a lot of energy.

Junior Sister, why don't you show this senior how much you improved."

"Hah, ha, Senior Sister, you can't be serious right?"

Senior Sister was serious.

Heh, he, help!===(TT)


Ugh, someone

Save this auntie! (~o~)

Wu wu wu, how is it possible that I got roped into this! I don't even remember what happened!

Crawling away from Senior Sister, I plopped onto the cold hard ground. I must get away from such a monstrous woman!

Sprawled out on the icy stone, I couldn't help but shiver from the contrast of hot and cold. However, I couldn't find any strength within me to get up and move elsewhere.

Heh, perhaps I do die here after all. ( ;;)

As I looked up towards the sky with a prayer on my tongue, in the inky night sky, a shiny silver coin shined brightly; until a pretty face blocked it.

Is this perhaps where one ascends to heaven with a pretty lady on one's arm?

Smooth pale skin, dark black eyes, pale pink lips, and long flowing hair, possibly the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on, looked down at me.

Hah, what a beautiful sister.

"Heh are you Chang' e," looking at the pretty sister's face, she didn't respond, "Have you come to escort me to heaven after my eight sufferings?"

"Tch," Senior Sister scoffed softly. "What nonsense. How could you ascend so quickly?"

"Oh. So you must be a death messenger then.

Alright then, take me away from this mortal realm" _(:)_

"Get off the ground, Junior Sister. You'll get sick."

"Em," lifting my arms in the air, I waited for her to grab them. ('`)

"Sigh, goodness," taking both my hands, Senior Sister lifted me off the ground.

"Ughh," my body began to scream as I was brought back into an upright position. "Everything hurts, wu wu wu." (*>_<*)

"There, there," as Senior Sister soothingly rubbed my back, I leaned onto her for support. "You did well today."

"Why did you make me do so many sword swings? And my legs feel like noodles from that crazy horse stance," resting more onto her body; I tried to alleviate my weight off my legs. "And it's so late at night too" (- o ) zzZ

"I'm sorry," as she patted my back a few times, I enjoyed the fleeting moment of peace. "I must've pushed you too hard this time.

I'll make it up to you."

"Huh?" How was Senior Sister going to make me? ()

And since when did Senior Sister compensate me after intense training?

"Are you truly Senior Sister?" | |)

"Puh," flicking my forehead lightly, she rolled her eyes. "Do you have another sister by the name Ye Lian Hua?"

"No, but still," hmm, it's still a bit suspicious

"Do you want my compensation or not."

"I want!" ()/


Okay, maybe this isn't so bad.

Seated on a cushioned stool with a warm cup of tea and a blanket, I watched as Senior Sister cooked something in the kitchen.

Hmm, some good stuff. (*)=3

Taking small sips from the steaming cup, I savored the mild sweetness of the tea as Senior Sister worked diligently on something.

Whatever it was, it smelt pretty good.

"Hmm, hmm," thumping my leg under the table, I waited impatiently to find out what Senior Sister was making.

"Your legs seem to be fine now," Senior Sister commented without turning around.

Stopping my movements, I tried to calm down the pent up jitters within me. "Yeah, well, my legs are just shaky from the cold; that's all." (;)

"Hmm," turning around Senior Sister carried over two porcelain bowls and gently set them down before me.

Inside the bowls was a bright amber colored liquid with some white sediment at the bottom. And from the spicy aromatic smell, it was ginger.

Was this my compensation? Some squeezed ginger juice? ( )?

"Uh is this?"

"Not yet," grabbing two spoons, Senior Sister handed them to me. "Stir the two mixtures until the white starch in the bowl and the juice are evenly mixed."

"Uh, okay," taking the spoons, I mixed the two bowls with both hands, questioning what Senior Sister's actual plan was.

After a few minutes, she returned with a large teapot and began to pour the hot liquid into the bowls.

Milk? Why was Senior Sister adding milk? ()

"Uh, can I?"

"Not yet," Senior Sister responded as she focused on the two bowls cool slowly.

Oh okay. ('_`)

Following Senior Sister's lead, I patiently waited for whatever was supposed to happen. Unconsciously, my leg began to bounce once more, causing small ripples in the bowls.

However, I promptly stopped when Senior Sister flashed a disapproving glance.

Okay, okay, I'll stop. (_ _|||)

"Alright, it should be ready," grabbing two spoons, she gently placed them atop the liquid's surface.


Instead of stinking in, the spoons floated! (o;)

"What kind of magic is this?"

"Hmm," a faint smile found it's way on Senior Sister's face as she pushed one of the bowls over to me. "Here."

Looking up at Senior Sister, I waited for her approval. Once she gave the a-okay, I took hold of the spoon and dug it into the strange concoction.

The spoon glided effortlessly through the tofu like flesh and even jiggled as I held it up.

Taking a bite, the silky texture, accompanied by the taste of sweet milk and the mild spicy tang of ginger, created a warm tingly feeling throughout my body.

This dish was amazing! I don't think I've ever had anything like this in my life! ( )

In other words, it was tasty!

"Umm, what is this?" Scoping a large piece, I gleefully slurped up another spoonful of the dish. "It's so good!"

"I'm glad you like it," Senior Sister smiled as she took a small bite of hers. "It's called ginger milk pudding[1].

Whenever I finished my training or was upset, my mother would make this dish for me.

She said that the ginger and the milk should help revitalize the spirit and strengthen one's bones. "

"Huh, interesting," shoving another spoonful into my mouth, I couldn't help but smile. "Your mother must've been an amazing woman."

After all, only an amazing woman could produce such a wonderful girl like Senior Sister! (^v^)

"Em, she was," quietly nibbling on her pudding, Senior Sister stopped talking.

Unlike my bowl, which was nearly empty, barely two-thirds of hers had been eaten.

"Don't like it?"

"Em, not particularly," Senior Sister shrugged. "I never really liked it much, not that I would ever tell my mother that," she smiled melancholically, "as it was the only thing my mother had the strength to make.

Hah, I suppose the memory of her making it for me is the only thing that counts."

"Hmm, that so," it must be nice to have a mother.

Even when young, I don't remember having a mother; instead, it was my father and the other tribesmen.

Back then, I didn't care about having a mother as I never knew her, and when Father was alive, he never spoke about her either.

I wonder if I had one, what would she be like?

Would she be strict? Or perhaps easygoing?

What did she look like? Did I take after her or Father?

Would she do my hair and teach me how to put on makeup like Senior Sister?

Would she comfort me whenever I was sad or upset by cooking as Senior Sister's did?

Somehow while thinking about this, the sweet taste of milk had turned sour.

"Junior Sister, are you okay?"

Feeling some dampness around my eyes, I hastily wiped them away with my sleeve.

What the heck was that? /(@@)

"Haha, I'm fine! The ginger was just super spicy, that's all! Some must've gotten into my eye when you poured in the milk."

With a slight crease between her brow, Senior Sister placed her hand on my shoulder as she gave me a strange look. "Are you sure, Junior Sister? You can tell me if something is wrong."

"Aiyah, what's with this serious look, Senior Sister," laughing, I plastered on a wide smile with a bit of difficulty. Gently brushing off Senior Sister's hand, I reassured her, "I'm fine! Honestly!"

"If you say so but-"

"Geez, Senior Sister, I'm alright," why won't Senior Sister believe me?

"Junior Sister-"

"Why look at the time! It's almost dawn!

We better head back to our rooms.

Plus, after all that training, I don't know about you, but I'm beat!

Well, goodnight, Senior Sister!"

Senior Sister didn't continue to press on the subject as I left the kitchen, hastily. Closing the door behind me, small puffs of air escaped my mouth.

Whew! Nothing beats fresh morning air after eating something good! ('.)

"Hah? What's this?" Rubbing my eyes, I felt some liquid escape them.

Darn, it must be the cold, dry air that's making my eyes water.

If not that, what else?

[1] ginger milk pudding - a hot Chinese dessert originated in Shunde District, Guangzhou, in southern China. The main ingredients are ginger, milk, and sugar. In the original recipe, water buffalo milk is used instead of cow's milk. There's a chemical reaction that goes that happens in this dish that has to do with the combination of ginger and milk that make it curd.

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