Spring Winds

Chapter 51: Unexpected Guest

Chapter 51: Unexpected Guest

So it's time to go back.

It had been a little more than a week since Zhu Na Ran and I left Yun Cai Peak for the capital of the Chu Nation, however, much had happened in the cultivation world in our absence.

Unfolding Master's letter, it read:

'To my disciples,

Although you had only left our humble sect a few days ago, unfortunately, it's time for you to come back and fulfill your duties as Yun Cai Peak's martial aunts.

According to some sect scouts and the alarm of other smaller sects, there has been a surge of demonic presence along the Da Shan and Yong Jiang border and several sources report of the spiritual beasts roaming into nearby cities and towns.

So, to combat this problem, the sect master has decided to put you two into action.

Along with inner and outer sect disciples, you will go and help out in investigating the problematic area as well as help distribute relief and aid to those affected by these changes.

See me as soon as you return to Yu Lan Peak.

Your Master, Luo Yu Xing.'

So it seems the issue with the rise in demonic energy is worse than expected.

Before I left, recall Master saying that they had sent out a few inner sect disciples to check out the affected areas, Zhu Na Ran included, but it hasn't gotten to the point that they need to deploy both groups of inner and outer sect disciples.

"Sigh, for all of this to happen all within the same time."

First, the matter of Father pushing to make Third Brother his heir, then Father with endless nagging of marriage and now this.


Pinching the area between my brows, I tried to process everything that was happening at once.

I better go and tell Junior Sister to pack her things. We don't have much time to waste.

"Second Young Miss?"

A sudden knocking on my door interrupted my thoughts as Xia Jia gently pushed the door open, letting the cold air come in.

"There's a guest here waiting for you."

A guest?

"I don't recall inviting anyone, nor any appointments. Who is it?"

"Um, this slave does not know. But she's been waiting in the guest hall for about an hour now. She's been requesting to see you."

"Very well, I'll go," draping my cloak over my shoulders, I followed Xia Jia outside, taking in the crisp cold morning air as we walked to the guest hall.

However, as soon as I stepped into the large hall, I instantly regretted coming.

"Princess Consort Yu, how may I help you?"

After getting up from her seat, Lian Yu Ying tried to walk towards me, but I took one back with each step.

"You intend never to forgive A-Ying," she cried as her lips began to tremble. Before, I would've tried to appease her sadness and wipe away her tears.

But now, it's different.

"S-sister Hua! Sniff I'm sorry! I never meant to steal him away from you," she sobbed as she crumpled to the floor like a fallen flower. "I-I," crawling on the ground, she grabbed onto my skirt. "I didn't know how to tell you!

I didn't mean for you to get hurt!"

I watched as Lian Yu Ying cried at me with pleading eyes.

"S-sister Hua, I'm sorry I'm sorry I fell in love with Xuan Yu

I knew it was wrong to pursue him, and I knew that you and he were betrothed, but I couldn't help myself.

Whenever you ignored him, the two of us would share a cup of tea or two and talk, and

Sob I don't know, but after some time I knew that he was the one.

I'm so sorry sob I am."

Looking down at the pathetic girl at my feet, wiping her tears with my skirt, I couldn't help but feel an ache in my head.


"Enough. I'm tired of you chirping the same excuses every time." How long did this girl intend to ask for my forgiveness?

Lian Yu Ying stopped crying, yet her eyes still watered. "Get off the ground, Princess Consort Yu."

Bending down, I held my hand out for her to grab. "If someone were to see the princess kneeling before me, they would assume I bullied you."

"No," shaking her head, she stubbornly stuck to the ground. "I-I can't.

Because if I do, then that will mean I have given up on asking for Sister Hua's forgiveness."

"Princess Consort Yu, let me ask you this.

Do you forgive those who have bullied you back at the Lian Family?"

Lian Yu Ying froze at my question but muttered out a quiet 'no.'

"Then, why should I forgive you?" Crouching down to her level, I looked her straight into her eyes. "You caused me to be bullied by capital.

You caused my family to be bullied in this nation.

And now you have the gall to come here every time to ask for my forgiveness?"

"Sniff," wiping her eyes, her lips trembled. "I-I'm sorry, Sister Hua."


Is that all you can say? 'I'm sorry?'"

Lian Yu Ying didn't respond and continued to mope in silence.


Before, I might've just dismissed out the door. Not even willing even to see a shadow of you at all nor listen to another empty apology.

But now, I'm tired of that. I don't want to deal with this anymore."

"W-what, do you mean, Sister Hua?"

"I forgive you, Lian Yu Ying," I wiped her tears and pulled her back onto her feet. "I forgive you and Xuan Yu for what you've done.

But after this, I never want to see you come before me again. This will be the trade-off for my forgiveness. "


After a few more apologies and more crying, Lian Yu Ying finally left.

Back in my room, I collapsed into a chair as I couldn't help but feel a headache coming.

Sigh, goodness. What time is it now? Midday?

"Second Young Miss," Xia Jia entered the hall with a tray of tea. Gentle placing the plate down, she asked, "Second Young Miss, this slave thought you disliked Princess Consort Yu."

"Where did you hear that," picking up a steaming cup, I gently blew on its surface.

"I- um, heard it from Eldest Young Master. He complained with some of the maids about your relationship."


Is that so?

Perhaps I should talk to Eldest Brother later about spilling my secrets.

"Hmph, I see."

"U-um, if this slave may be so bold to ask, why did Second Young Miss forgive Princess Consort Yu for stealing away your fiance?

You would've become an honorable princess by now if it wasn't for her.

Shouldn't you hate her?"

"Sigh, well, that's just how life goes, I suppose.

She's an honorable princess, and I am a humble cultivator. I can't afford to keep holding mortal grudges anymore."

In some way, I supposed Lian Yu Ying's case was the easiest to let go, while others proved to be more difficult.

"That's unfair."

"Em, I suppose so. However, it's not so bad."

I got to meet Zhu Na Ran after all.

Perhaps I should be thanking Lian Yu Ying for that.

"Oh, Second Young Miss," Xia Jia suddenly piped up. "I forgot to mention.

Today in the kitchens, I noticed that the servants carrying Miss Zhu's meals trays came back with untouched food."

Untouched food?

So strange; usually, Zhu Na Ran has a massive appetite, and even if she were full, the little gluten would still steal a few extra bites.

So for her to not eat at all is bizarre.

Maybe this has to do with the events of last night?

She did seem a bit off last night.

"Hmm, I suppose I better check up on her."


Rounding a corner, I arrived at Zhu Na Ran's courtyard.

It seemed desolate and quiet today, as the lamps were off and the window and doors, shut tight as not a single sound came from the room.

What is going on?

Walking up the steps, I listened for any noise from the other side.

There was none.

"Stay outside and wait," I ordered Xia Jia, as I knocked on the door, "Junior Sister?"

No response.

As I listened to the silence, a bad feeling started to swirl in my chest.

Somethings not right.

"Junior Sister, I'm coming in."

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