The Primordial Record

Chapter 96 Eyes Wide Shut (final)

Chapter 96 Eyes Wide Shut (final)

Looking at the red flames, Rowan had an idea and began pushing his will into the flames, it began to pulse and he created a ball of flame which hovered near him, he pushed it forward and the flames went ahead of him, in the same manner he created six more of the fireballs and let them revolve around him.

He was able to manipulate the flames better because he had noticed an increase in the tenacity of his Spirit and he checked his Record and was surprised at the upgrades to his Spirit.

P????????? ??????

Name: Rowan Kuranes

Age: 11/33,000

Strength : 1767

Agility : 1716

Constitution : 2750

Spirit : 435.6

Class: None

Title: Plane walker, Chaos Blood

Aspect : Spatial Sight (Tier 3)

Berserker (Tier 1)


Enrage (Level 10— Mortal State Completed) Vortex (Level 10— Mortal State Completed) Bash (Level 10— Mortal State Completed) Dash (Level 10— Mortal State Completed) Smash (Level 10— Mortal State Completed) Combo Attack (Level 10— Mortal State Completed)

Passive : Decipher language (complete), Ice–Fire soul (level 6)


FOUR ???????????? ?????????????????? [CHAOS BLOOD]- level 2 [5,000/15,000]

???????? REAVER – level 0 [0/5000]

Legendary Skill : Chaos World Engine [3/3]

Chaos World Engine [Minor]

Engine One – 985,225/1,000,000,000

Engine Two – 897,645/1,000,000,000

Engine Three–1,001,876/1,000,000,000

Rift Rule: Absolute Body [Locked]

Incarnation Path Unlocked

Path: Chaos Territory Creation [Locked]

Path Skill Gained :

World Soul Manipulation [Locked]

World Recreation [Locked]

World Merging [Locked]

Active Skill Gained: Flesh Light [(level 0) Spirit +100. Constitution +50. Strength +30]

Active Skill Gained:?Bone Fire[(level 0) Spirit +50. Constitution +100]

Soul Point :7,190.2311

There were two important details that stood out to him, it was the growth in his Spirit and the increasing number of Soul points he had harvested since he came into the Control Hub.

He had checked when he killed the four faced Abomination and gained around two hundred Soul points, he had barely spent ten minutes inside this facility and he had already gathered more than ninety Soul points.

This was not the world with the Red Moon, where he could harvest a seemingly unlimited amount of souls. The only reason why so many soul fragments would remain in this place was that a massive amount of people had been killed here, possibly hundreds of thousands.

Lamia had been able to create so many Abomination spawn by being fed tens of thousands of people, and echoes of their soul still lingered heavily in this place.

He heard something farther down. His ears perked up, as he heard another crash far ahead. Rowan paused and listened, and soon he heard another sound like a heavy thump and a faint curse.

Rowan picked up the pace and began to jog, he wished to go faster, but he did not want to miss any particular detail, for even with the spinning balls of flames around him, the darkness was still heavy. His light jog however, was faster than an all out sprint from a mortal

The passed through a series of rooms with shattered Vestibularies and destroyed workstations, he paused to run his hand over the battered workstation and discovered something bizarre, it was dust.

This destruction was not recent, it could have happened nearly a week ago! Which should not make sense. There was no way he was placed inside a Nexus where the Control Hub had been sabotaged.

Something was seriously wrong here, and Rowan began feeling a sense of apprehension. What he was seeing down here should not be possible, he could excuse the lack of any living person up till now, as the true core of this facility should be in the Warding Room. But the signs of destruction that he saw here were not recent.

The Control Hub of the Nexus had been undermined not too long after he arrived and something told him whatever happened here was not going according to the laid out plan.

Was there a hidden third party involved in this mess?

Rowan finally left the enclosed rooms with the Vestibularies and arrived in a large hall which had a pool of greenish water that contained tiny octopuses the size of a baby's hand, they were in their hundreds and all floated in the water, tentacles splayed out, and they were all dead.

By the side of the pool was a leaking giant vat, it contained a greenish solution. Rowan bent and examined it, he dipped a finger into the thick liquid and sniffed it. It smelled like peppermint.

This should be Herrofoot. An unpleasant poison that causes muscle paralysis and massive internal hemorrhage.

He quickly moved ahead, his destination now fully fixed on getting to the Warding room. The new changes here were alarming.

He began noticing signs of battle, the pool had a massive crack by the side, and there were slashes on the ground and walls that should originate from blades.

Scorch marks and broken walls began to be prevalent as he went deeper, that was until he reached a massive closed door.

He set a flaming ball closer to the ground and saw a thick layer of dried blood underneath the door. The entrance was a pair of mechanical doors that slid shut in the middle.

Rowan pushed his fingers between the crease in the middle of the door. It was a thick metallic door, and it took a few seconds for his fingers to dig into it, before he could find a suitable purchase on the doors.

He strained as he began pushing his hands wide open. With a sharp creak and the crash of breaking mechanisms the door began to open.

The smell of decay and blood flooded Rowan senses and he had to jerk his head to shake away the foul odour from his nose, he sent six balls of flame ahead of him and his frown deepened at what he saw.

It was a massive room, the biggest he had seen inside this facility, a single large pillar was erected at the center of it, and massive coils of wires were connected to the pillar.

On the floor of the room were mounds of bodies that were piled into careless heaps, he walked through the doorway, his feet pressing into three inches of dried blood.

There were more than three thousand dead bodies down here, and as he could see from their outfits, these were most likely the workers inside the Control Hub.

They had all been butchered and from the smell and the state of decomposition on these bodies, it was most likely a week ago that this happened.

Passing through the mounds of bodies, he saw that their deaths were extremely miserable, whoever had killed them had made sure that the blows were lethal but would not lead to an instant death.

They must have been a particularly sick individual for he noticed that the amount of blood was clearly far more excessive even with the amount of bodies down here.

Then he smelled a hint of peppermint in the blood, and he remembered the Herrofoot he saw a while back, this material could create massive bleeding inside a body and if there were any opening on the body, every single drop of blood would be drained out, leaving an empty husk.

He heard another crash ahead, and a faint curse, that was not too far from his position, just hidden behind a particularly large body pile.

Rowan silently crossed the pile of bodies and?saw a massive silver werewolf on its knees. The eyes of the werewolf had been gouged out and both of it hands had been cut off, it had been pierced with more than twenty bars of metal, and the skin around the chest and stomach had been flayed open and long needles were pierced into its major organs.

Every now and then it shook in pain, which caused the metal bar impaled in it's body to rub against the ground, causing the crashing sound he heard.

Rowan paused in contemplation, for before him was the Guardian of the Nexus.

The werewolf sniffed the air, "Little chick, is that you?"

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