The Primordial Record

Chapter 97 Bloodlust

Chapter 97 Bloodlust

The Werewolf continued sniffing the air, his empty eye socket began bleeding, "Even though your scent has changed, your Aura remains the same little chick."

Rowan was silent, he looked at the tortured werewolf as he remembered the last time he had seen this individual, but at that time he was not a wolf but a man.

The pain from where that man held his shoulders, and he freezes him, remained inside his head.

The pain remained, so also was his fury.

"Boris? Is that you?"

The blind Werewolf grinned, his serrated teeth that resemble a shark glinted in the flames cast by the red light, "In the flesh, little chick or what's left of it."

"Who did to you, Boris?" Rowan said as he looked around, "They really did a number on you, you are more spikes than wolf at this point."

"Truthfully, I think I'm doing better than you the first time we met, little chick, and that's saying something. Since you are here, then that bastard must have won, he killed the last of the Supervisors did he not? "

Rowan walked up to the Werewolf, he really appreciated the amount of damage this creature suffered when he was up close to him. The needles pierced into his organs were not just to torture him, but to serve as an intravenous drip, pumping Herrofoot into his system.

Boris had bled from every organ, and had been drained dry, his powerful vitality kept him alive, as his bones created more blood that was shed in the next moment, and judging from the thick clumps of blood that covered the ground, he had suffered here for at least a week.

"Tell me who did this to you, and I shall free you from your torment."

"Free me?" The Werewolf burst into pained laughter, that was cut short when the movements of his body triggered the spikes and metal bars pierced through him.

He began to cough as a fresh wave of blood poured down from his body, the contraction of his stomach tore something inside of him and his guts began falling out of their cavities.

Rowan stepped back as the internal organs of the Werewolf splashed all over his feet. But whatever state of change this Werewolf was, he had truly surpassed many limitations of the flesh, for he kept talking.

"You are a child in chains, waiting for the butchers knife. Your flesh might have changed, but your essence remains the same. You think your fate would be any lesser than my own?" Boris The Werewolf words came out in slow and pained gasps.

"Take my advice, little chick. The only thing you should do, is to kill yourself, it's the only freedom you shall have, for he would take your Light from you, and he shall hold you at the gates of death for all eternity!"

If that is the case. If everything he struggles for amounts to only being the plaything of the powerful, at their whims and mercy, then he was doing his bloodline a great disservice.

At this moment, the fourth Ouroboros Serpent in his heart was born, and it rapidly began consuming what was left of his heart, leaving only a void in its place.

The moment the fourth void appeared inside his heart, his body began to change very subtly, the change was so slight it would take billions of year's for it to progress towards one percent completion, nevertheless that change had begun.

His bloodline began to boil over, as he finally let himself accept that he had evolved, he was no longer a miner inside a cave digging through rocks, he was an Empyrean in a world of monsters, and he had allowed himself to be a human for long enough.

The fate of this Werewolf and the memories he had witnessed inside this place has shown him the fate of the weak.

He was not going to beg for mercy or understanding, he was going to kill them. He would kill all of them.

The change in his thought process was very subtle that even Rowan missed it.

Sigh. "I am so tired of this sh*t. You are mistaking something Boris," Rowan cracked his neck, and went closer to the Werewolf, it was a massive beast standing more than thirteen feet tall, "This is not a discussion, nor am I asking for your fu*King understanding, this is an interrogation, and you are going to sing for me like the puppy you are."

Rowan brought a ball of Flesh Light that was hovering near him towards the werewolf, and the beast sniffed, and it reared back. "Get that thing away from me!"

"Do you know what this flame does to a body?" Rowan gestured, and the flames entered the guts of the Werewolf, its impressive vitality had already begun regrowing the lost organs.

When the flames touched the Werewolf, it didn't burn the flesh, it melded into his torso and began liquefying the organs, the Werewolf went still for a short while as if his senses were trying to process the pain, then Boris went mad with pain.

Rowan's body was unique, although his outside appearance resembled a human, and his skin was fair with no blemish, it would be a mistake to consider him a being of flesh and blood.

Although he had those, his flesh was now closer to metal and his blood magma. When the Abomination had attacked him with the Flesh Light, his unique Constitution and incredible healing capabilities had shielded him from the worst of its effect.

Yet, he had felt the pain of his flesh melting away, while still keeping its cells alive, it was an unusual form of pain, that few may never get to experience.

The Werewolf's crazy howl of pain was long and sorrowful. Rowan stopped its whine by grabbing its jaws and pulling its face down to his.

"You crazy mongrel, I do not care for your opinions, I am only going to ask and you shall answer me. That was only in your guts, the next shall cover your entire body and trust me, I will make it last. Nod once if you understand me."

The Werewolf shuddered and after two seconds it's nodded, and Rowan freed his mouth, he quietly paused as his dislocated shoulders and torn muscles slid into place.

Even in the battered state of this creature, it strength still overpowered him, even grabbing just the mouth and holding it down was enough to tear his muscles. Although, he could now begin upgrading his bloodline once more.

This Werewolf was powerful, What bloodline did it have and what State of change was it in? Most importantly, what could tear apart a beast like this that could guard a Nexus, with an Abomination Core within?

"Who did this to you, Boris?"

The Werewolf shuddered, the pain from it's melted guts still stayed with him, "It is… it is…"

"It is I, Rowan." A voice with a deep bass sounded behind Rowan, his Spatial Sight was still sluggish, yet he had detected the moment the man came behind him.

His surrounding was empty, and suddenly, it was not, Rowan slowly turned his head and saw General Augustus Tiberius appear behind him.

Although he was now different and appeared far younger than he was, his hair was jet black and his eyes were no longer two golden orbs, the right eye was golden while the left eyes were red.

The Armor he wore was made of bone with many spikes jutting out from the elbows, knuckles and shoulders, it looked like a terrifying art piece, and its color was blood-red.

He smiled and placed his hand on Rowan's shoulder.

His eyes widened, when Rowan turned and held his hand in a vice-like grip and returned his smile.

"My children are hungry, Augustus, what took you so long."

Rowan eyes exploded as two Ouroboros Serpents crawled out of them, all the while the smile never left his mouth.

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