The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 219: Leaving at Sunset

Chapter 219: Leaving at Sunset

Here it comes.

I'll finally know why they are after me.

"At first they wanted me to bring you back to the guild, but I convinced them otherwise."

What's happening?

Did he just save me?

He takes something out of his pocket.

"Here you go, this is your official tamer emblem."

He hands me one with 2 stars on it.

While winking at me.

What's the hidden meaning?

There is no way I deserve this.

Is Ice the one that helped me get it?

I feel like there is definitely corruption involved.

I won't complain.

Still, did he get that emblem especially for me?

Or does he just have some in his pockets all the time?

Who cares.

With this I'll be able to enter the diplomatic city, won't I?

Honestly, I'm confused.

They've been hunting me all over the city to give me an emblem?


How dumb are these guys?

Couldn't they have just sent one guy?

I can't show being disturbed.

I am an expert right now.

I just pick it up and nonchalantly put it in my pocket.

"Oh right, there is also something else."

He scribbles something on a piece of paper and hands it to me.

Making sure no one sees the content.

Why so secretive?

I nod at him, then roll the paper into a ball and stuff it into my pocket.

What does it say?

I have no fucking clue.

But I'll just go with the flow.

You know acting-wise.

The others are all extremely curious.

I give them a small smile.

My meaning is evident: wouldn't you like to know?

I would myself.

Anyway, strangely it seems I am free to go.

I have so many questions.

Now is not the time.

[Alright, I guess I am done with this city for now. See you guys later.]

I take calm steps away.

Brushing my inexistent mustache.

All sage-like.

Hoping no one stops me.


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

What now?

It is the committee guy.

"Before you go can you sign me an autograph?"

He wants...mine?

There is something wrong with him.

That shit is worthless.

Well, maybe he is in that DTF group too.

I draw him a dedicated one.

There, now I can leave.

All sage-like hoping that


What now?!

It is the guard.

"Thank you again. Not only for showing mercy but also for saving the city in the first place!"

He's bowing.

He's also very confused.

I didn't save shit.

Well, whatever.

I confidently .


Are you fucking kidding me?!

Will they all fucking stop me?!

It's my ex-guard friend.

"Mind if I journey with you to the diplomatic city?"

Did I just acquire a free guide?

Of course, I don't mind haha.

Brother, I don't even know where the destination is.

Not like I'll ever admit it.

[Alright, lead the way.]

Thus I give a cool wave to the people left behind.

Wolfie following closely.

The setting sun illuminating my silhouette.

Partly because I'm really cool, but mostly.

Because I've wasted a lot of time with this hostage farce.

Oh well, somehow it all worked out.

I think at least.

As long as they don't send assassins after me it's all good.

I guess that it's a good thing my slime plan didn't work out.

It would have complicated things.

I can't help but reminisce about my time there.

Not a long flashback honestly.

I beat up a few slimes and people.

Did some woodcutting.

Failed miserably as a tamer.

Made a friend.

That's about it.

Oh well, such is life.

It can't always be exciting.

The path isn't a straight line either.

Sometimes we try things that don't work out in the end.

I still can't understand what the hell happened toward the end.

Who cares, I'll get the fuck out of here haha.

What about the nice woodcutters?

I task a random passerby to give bid them goodbye in my stead.

Only costs me a few coins too.

Ice will understand why I'm going, I'm sure.

I've tasked the noodle guy to give a message to little Bai already.

I think that settles it!

This is officially the beginning of a new journey.

My thoughts get interrupted by my companion.

"There is something I am wondering. What was all that about back there? The hostage-taking and all that?"

What am I supposed to tell him?

That it wasn't even my idea?

That I have no clue what I'm doing?

That I'm still not sure myself what it was all about really?

Am I supposed to tell him the truth?

Should I keep playing the aloof expert?

I feel like he probably has a better grasp on the situation than I.

Given that he is a man of experience and all.

[What do you think?]

He ponders a few moments.

Then he speaks resolutely.

"Both the city guard and the tamer guild slighted you in one way or another. You orchestrated the whole plan to gauge their reaction."

Wow, I really wish I had that kind of planning ability.

"The whole point of it all being to be able to observe them and decide if they deserved to be punished for their mistakes."


Why would I punish anyone?

I don't really have a conflict with either side either.

"Seeing how they carefully proceeded and how they all tried their best you decided to let them off the hook for this one time. It would serve as a warning for them in the future."


"No, it's you that is impressive for thinking of such a creative plan!"

No, brother. You are the impressive one.

Your imagination knows no bound.

This guy would be a great novelist.

Legit, I have no clue what he is talking about.

None of that was accurate.

At all.

Oh well, as long as he leads the way correctly who cares.

Oh, right.

I had that paper.

Time to show it to my companion and order him to read it aloud.

I wonder what is written anyway.

Let me see.

Ah, seems I lost it.

Meh, whatever.

Probably wasn't important.


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