The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 220: The Birth of a God

Chapter 220: The Birth of a God


What happened here today will be the talk of the city for a while for sure.

Good thing my library didn't suffer in the least.

I spent most of my time reading while it happened.

Honestly, I was never worried about that man.

He is one chosen by a unicorn after all.

It seems I'm one of the only ones that truly managed to remain calm.

One is holding the autograph he received excitingly.

The young tamers are happily chatting.

The assistant to the lord is sprawled on the ground.

He may seem a normal guard at first glance, but I do know him.

That usually serious man is now swearing haha.

Using colorful language to express his joy.

How he's fucking glad to have survived the event.

This is understandable.

In my eyes, it wasn't that big a deal.

I've dealt with the man before.

He has an intimidating side, but he is easygoing.

The fake hostage girl tells the guard to watch his language.

Kinda funny how she was probably the one to cause the guy the most anguish.

With all these random demands of hers.

Just adding unneeded pressure to an otherwise simple situation.

I wonder how bored she was to even do all that.

Well, it won't matter that much now.

Ah, the tamer guy stops ogling the autograph and turns toward us.

"All of you. I will require your assistance in a matter. He is a man that prefers to remain low-key. Thus no one should talk of what transpired here. No matter what."

He makes eye contact with every single individual here.

Only stopping when he has had confirmation of everyone having understood.

In a way that is true.

He is obviously powerful.

Extremely so.

Yet he doesn't flaunt his power at all.

Even his unicorn is disguised as a donkey.

I truly wonder why that is.

Well, no matter.

My mission is simply to care for the books anyway.

The assistant leaves looking preoccupied.

I mean that is normal, he probably has a lot of things to handle.

How does one cover up an operation that so many saw?

The good thing is his quick thinking.

Calling it a training exercise.

Same for the guy clutching the autograph.

He's looking sideways making sure no one is trying to steal it.

Now the students are leaving.

For them, this has been fun overall.

"Wait, what's that?"

One says pointing to a piece of paper on the ground.

It is crumbled into a ball.

Isn't that?

Yeah, guess he lost it.

Right, he doesn't know to read, does he?

Does he even know what was written there?

The student opens the ball up.

Reads for a few seconds.

Then freezes.

Then come the swears.

It reminds me of my reaction once I understood the unicorn thing.

Whatever is on that paper is surprising, I guess.

The girl telling him to watch his language.

Another one grabs the paper from the still hands.

Then he freezes too, then starts cursing.

Something about this being real or not.

At this point, the hostage girl can't help herself.

She snatches it too in turn.

Then she freezes too.

Then colorful language comes out of her mouth too.

So much for telling others off.

I approach closer and read it quickly.

It says he is a rank 5 tamer.

He can claim his emblem for the title whenever he wants.

They gave him a 2-star emblem since he doesn't enjoy showing off.

That actually makes sense.

He has a unicorn as a pet.

Then there is also that wolf.

The one that remained calm as the library got encircled by half the city.

It has absolute trust in its owner.

Still, I get the feeling he seems confused a lot.

Maybe I'm mistaken.

But for some reason, I don't really see him as a professional tamer.

At least not in the conventional sense.

He's just that kind of man.

A unique one that will follow his own path.

I take the paper and burn it with a candle.

A few moments later there is no trace of it remaining.

"Alright you guys, my library is about to close. How about you guys bring that unconscious guy with you and exit the premises?"

They look at me completely baffled.

"How are you so calm?!"

"Easy, that information is not surprising to me."

They remain mute.

Wondering all that I know.

Wondering what else is there to know about this man.

Then they steady themselves and leave.

I am left alone.

Left with my thoughts.

Wondering what I wish to do.

This feels like a special moment, yet a normal one.

I saw a glimpse of another world.

One outside the reach of most.

They say rank 5 is a thing of legends.

Here I saw one in flesh.

My expectations were too high it seems.

At the end of the day, they remain mortals.

This whole hostage thing proving it.

It was a pointless endeavor for sure.

This does bring concerns.

What will become of the world?

One that these powerhouses inhabit.

Each with their own thoughts and morals.

Each with their own motivations.

If more like him come to be I can see a peaceful society.

One safe from demons and beasts alike.

One that may very well prosper for ages.

I can see these people becoming symbols.

Influencing countless just by their presence.

Either voluntary or involuntary.

I always wanted to be a librarian.

Then I reluctantly started on the path of a beast tamer.

All to become more powerful.

To please my father.

Realize his dreams in his stead.

Strangely enough, seeing this man makes one think.

He has this air about him.

One that makes one dream of more.

Not to follow the established path.

I do have an impulse right now.

One that has always been there.

Repressed and waiting to come out.

Surprisingly I am only figuring it out now.

So what if being a librarian is lowly?

So what if it doesn't bring power?

I will actually try something worse.

I pick up ink and paper.

Organizing my thoughts.

I already know what this piece will be about.

Something that will give me lots of reference material.

At least in the future.

I will travel the world and observe.

Then I will write it all.

On the parchment, I scribble a single line for now.

One that may be a bit exaggerated but is appropriate for him.

The Birth of a God

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