The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 250: Looming Threat

Chapter 250: Looming Threat

I recognize the drawing instantly. 

Oh crap. 

That's the cultivator dude! 

Oh god. 

What is he doing here? 

Is he after me? 

Is it only a coincidence? 

Is he even still alive? 

All I know is that he was dueling. 

Right now I am hidden in the crowd. 

Only one thing to do in such a situation. 


No time to explain! 

I order the other two to follow me. 

I'm even thinking of leaving the donkey behind, but no. 

It has our sign on its back.

They are confused, wondering what the hell is going on. 

I retreat as fast as humanly possible without looking like I'm fleeing. 

I try my hardest to appear as natural as possible. 

Yet my heart is beating so damn fast. 

I'm all sweaty too.                 

The whole way back is spent anxiously looking up my shoulder. 

It doesn't seem like there is anyone on our heels. 

Still, I can't calm down. 

It's only when we are back at the bakery that I lock the door and crumple on the floor. 

All tension relieved. 

Is everything fine? 

I don't know. 

I wish, I really wish. 

"What is happening?!" 

"What are we running away from? Ah, the donkey is eating some pies now!" 

[Let it be. It doesn't matter.] 

Comes the old man and Wolfie. 

She snuggles in my arms. 

Slowly rubbing her head against mine. 

Trying to tell me that everything will be okay. 

"What's gotten into you boy?"

[I just saw an old enemy.] 

They exchange curious glances. 

"In that crowd? Did he see you?"

"He probably has. You were shouting a lot after all." 

[I'm not sure. Right, who won the fight anyway? Was it this guy?] 

I hand over the crumpled drawing that I've been clenching all this while. 

"Yes! He's the one! How do you already have his portrait?!" 

"He looks so dreamy!" 

They get excited over this. 

"Boy, is he the one chasing you?"

[I'm not sure if he is. Let's just say we've had some conflict a while back.] 

"Follow me, boy. We'll have a long talk. Just the two of us." 

He locks all the doors. 

"Tell me everything."

I spill all of it. Well, almost. 

I tell him how I have been deemed a slave by the goddess.

How I faked being a champion for a while. 

How I eventually ran away. 

I am just done that he comes nearby.

Then he starts rubbing my chest vigorously. 

[Why are you touching me like this!] 

"Oh, you've had insane luck it seems. I'm just trying to have some rub on me."

Are you kidding me?! 

"Are you calmer now?"

Ah, that was his goal? 

It worked. Wow. 

Who knew that getting your chest rubbed could produce such an effect? 

By an old man at that!

[So what's the plan?] 

"Good for you is that this town is pretty safe. If he is a normal swordsman specialized in killing, the system should protect you somehow."

[What do you mean if?!] 

"As you know there are always loopholes. Let's just say some individuals are truly resourceful too." 

That is scary! 

[So I just hide here?] 

"Well, if you have really offended the Moon Keep then I suggest drinking. This is a death sentence." 

[No, I have friends there. Ones that helped me escape.]

"That explains the successful runaway. How many had to give their lives to save you?"

[As far as I know none? The sect leader wasn't going to kill his own daughter, right?]

He gives me an impressed look. 

I mean that warden guy was so chill too when I left. 

Totally not worried about any repercussion. 

Add to that his cocky statement about how he was the sole master of the dungeon...

Yeah, should be okay. 

"Still we should take precautions."

I am waiting for his enlightenment. 

He ponders for a few minutes, then he resolutely grabs some writing tools. 

He quickly writes a total of three letters. 

The first one he requests the younger brother to bring to the church of Gluto. 

I'm worried about his safety, but apparently it will be fine. 

Something about him being extra protected by the system since he was born and raised here. 

The second one he hands over to our shop's young lady. 

It is a message for her family. 

He warns her sternly not to open it. 

The last one he gives to Wolfie. 

Then he tells her to bring it to an acquaintance of his at the city hall. 

Any other wolf wouldn't be able to do it but she can. 

How the hell is this old man so well connected anyway? 

I mean, a powerhouse, a noble family, and a city institution.

All in one go! 

Then he leaves and comes back quickly. 

In his hands a bottle. 

"This right here is a magical item." 

[How so? It looks like normal wine to me.] 

"Hehe, that is where you are wrong! This is not any wine, but really strong wine!"

[How is that any different?]

"Well, this is a habit of mine. In usual circumstances, I never drink."

[Isn't it better to keep a clear head then?] 

"Oh yeah, for sure. But before every important decision, I like to take a little swing of this."

[I see.] 

This is a side of the old man I have never seen before.

"Here, cheers! A dose of liquid courage for both of us!" 

I like how not long ago I was having a panic attack. 

Now we are serenely drinking. 

This is risible, but I can't help but have a thought. 

This old man didn't judge me. 

He simply helped. 

With my nerves. 

With drafting a plan of contingency. 

Now that I think about it, I should be able to survive with divine energy. 

I'm just not sure if the goddess herself could target me. 

Is there a refund button for a failed summon? 

Probably not or I wouldn't be here. 

Still, this is enough to stress even me out., 

Yet this man is here with me. 

Not faltering. 

Not caring about the dangers.

Just wanting to save me.

I feel touched. 

I feel blessed. 

I feel


"Old friend, hurry up and open so that guy can die!" 

What the fuck!

Who is this? 

What is he talking about? 

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