The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 249: Sketchy Drawing

Chapter 249: Sketchy Drawing

The way the guy is positioned intrigues me. 

I'm not sure how to explain it. 

He has this demeanor and aura to him. 

One of an expert. 

Silently observing. 

I wonder what he sees. 

[Hey there brother, what are you doing?] 

He doesn't even look at me. 

"I am about to record history itself."


"It is not every day that two powerhouses confront each other."

[You know these guys?] 

"Everyone here does. They are both rank 3."

[Isn't that weak? Even I can fight that.] 

"Hehe, do not look down on them. They are masters of the sword. What's impressive is their skills."

Ah, that makes sense. 

It reminds me of the time I got completely walloped at the hunter's guild. 

Technique can and will trump raw power. 

He is still focusing on the scene and are his eyes glowing?!

[So what exactly are you doing? Also what's with your eyes?] 

"I am memorizing every detail. Then I will draw it. This is a spell to increase my vision range."

This is neat as hell! 

Who needs binoculars when you got magic?! 

The answer is people like me. 

You know the ones that can't sense mana. 

Well, my case is special. 

I can always use my scouting ability to check it. 

Frankly, I don't care that much. 

"It's starting."

I glance that way, but honestly, I can't see much. 

More like both of them are moving so fast!

*Sound of weapon collisions* 

*People moving around* 

That summarizes the fight I am seeing. 

As the fight begins so his drawing. 

He seems to be drawing a real scene. 

A swordsman lunging toward his opponent. 

I can feel the momentum through the drawing. 

This is amazing!

After this is over, I need to ask him to draw me some art. 

You know something cool for advertisement. 

I could make myself a billboard or something. 

I would just have to ask the old man how this all works. 

Well, he stayed home along with Wolfie. 

She is less clingy whenever we are in a populated area. 

I guess she dislikes crowds. 

[So why are you drawing exactly? Are you a historian or something?] 

"Nope. I will draw this then I will copy it many times. I will then sell it."

It is admirable how he can manage a conversation with me while going on about his business. 

[Oh, so you are a professional painter!] 

"Kind of, I have many different products. I even have one that is waterproof."

[Why would you need one that is waterproof?]

"Well, you see these guys are the idols of many."


"They will bring their picture everywhere with them."

[So, in case they fall in water or something? That seems unlikely.]

"Haha, young man you need to think bigger. Let's just say many lonely ladies buy the waterproof version if you know what I mean." 

Oh no! 

Don't tell me! 

"The more handsome and popular the swordsman, the better it sells." 

Yep, he is talking about that. 

"I offer realistic rendition but also will draw them alongside their idol for a fee." 

This guy is legit offering to do image manipulation!

"Then it is also possible to custom order specific poses."

I'm not sure I like where this is going. 

"Bare-chested ones are extremely popular."

Not that bad, I guess. It could have been worse. 

"Well, there are also a few requests for ones where the clothes have all been blown up by the intense fighting."

[I understand!] 

"There was once that lady that wanted me to draw what would happen if they made up instead. You know with lots of tongue and"

[I get it! You can stop describing!] 

Oh my god. 

This just went from professional painter to H artist in one go. 

Still one needs to admit how talented he is. 

It looks clean as hell! 

This means that I have two choices. 

Actually three.

I could squash my plan of having him draw for me. 

I could also make it happen but hide the identity of the author. 

The last one would be a huge gamble.

Tell an H artist to draw pies and give him free rein. 

Even if I tell him to keep it PG13 there are bound to be innuendos. 

They say any publicity is good. 

The good and the bad kind. 

As in, having haters means people know you exist at least. 

This could easily become viral marketing. 

Am I ready to take that risk? 

At some point, everyone is bound to realize how amazing pies are anyway. 

This would probably just kickstart it. 

Ah, there is one thing I need to worry about, however. 

I should probably consult the old man before. 

While he is selling the place to me, it still remains his life's legacy. 

It would be disrespectful of me to do such a bold move without asking him for permission. 

Could you imagine me just greenlighting the project? 

Then the old man goes for a walk. 

Sees a questionable billboard. 

Then BAM heart attack! 

Or something. 

It would quickly turn this into a tragedy.

I would like to avoid this.

Everything has been going well recently. 

A little too well. 

Usually when that happens life comes round the corner to kick you in the nuts. 

Well, you know the equivalent for girls. 

I haven't said that aloud.

Jinx avoided! 

Anyway, I'll keep selling for now. 

Still got a few pies. 

Somehow, that donkey is really well behaved. 

It has been following me all this while. 

Ah, our shop's young lady is here too. 

Blushing furiously. 

Sometimes shyly glancing at the drawing. 

She heard our entire conversation just now, didn't she? 

I get the feeling I won't be the only one wanting to be that guy's customer. 

Except that my reasons are pure. 

So I keep the hustle going. 

Soon enough I am finally done. 

Just as I am about to go find the artist again, I see him come out of the crowd rushing.

[Wait, where are you going?] 

"Fight is over! Gotta hurry and produce as many drawings as possible!"

[Wait I want to talk about]

He's gone. 

Ah, seems he dropped one sheet. 

Let's see how the finished product looks like. 

Oh god! 

This is bad! 

On the paper is a face I would recognize anywhere

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