The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 290: New Salesgirl

Chapter 290: New Salesgirl

I can't believe my luck! 

I went to buy a slave and I encountered a girl looking for a job. 

As much as it was nice to get free labor from that Greberos girl, her leaving whenever she wants is an issue. 

Now we officially have a full-time salesgirl! 

This way the clients will become accustomed to her. 

Don't forget the power of interpersonal relationships. 

Some regulars love that kind of service. 

That is how you gain regulars. 

They can just enter and ask for the usual. 

That new employee has the perfect resume. 

She can count and read, already better than me. 

She has 5 years of customer service experience too!

She was needlessly worried about achieving my expectations haha. 

Also said something about a family member's permission. 

I'm not too worried about that last part. 

I'm sure whoever it is won't have any issue with her working here.

We ain't a shady business and I'll pay her a decent wage. 

On that note, I'm sure the old man is knowledgeable about salaries. 

Today is officially her first day. 

She seems motivated. 

"Sir! Who are the first targets?"

[Let's start with 50 pies! I believe in you!] 

She looks stunned for a second. 

I'm sure she'll figure it out soon. 

I go into the kitchen and start baking. 

From time to time she pops in looking at me bake while confused. 

[What's up? Any trouble with the sales?] 

"Ah, no it's going well. It's just"

[Go ahead.]

"Is this really all I'm supposed to do?"

What else could I

Ah, I see. 

She is worried about weird stuff. 

I bet at her last job her boss tried to harass her or something. 

I'm not that trashy.

[Yep, it is all. Don't worry about it and just take it slow!] 

She still seems baffled, but she goes back to the counter, nonetheless. 

Oh well, she'll slowly get used to the place. 

I'm not too worried. 

Plus there is the old man and Wolfie. 

They are the nicest there is. 

That is when I hear the door slam open and a shout. 

"Hey, old man! I'm hungry! Let's eat a bite!" 

His friend from city hall is back it seems. 

I love how much he disregards social status. 

If everyone was like him a God war would be pointless in the first place. 

"Who's the new girl?"

"W-welcome, Sir!" 

Even from where I am, I can hear how stressed she sounds. 

Does she perhaps know who he is? 

Time to show my worth as a boss and smooth things out!

[Hey, how has it been?] 

"I don't like her. She smells of death. She is obviously the scheming type."


She starts to shudder. 

[Hey, you can't just insult my employee!] 

"Boy, I'm serious. What do you know about her?"

He gives her a piercing gaze. 

[Not much, but does it matter? She's one of us from now on so back off.]

I swear he's too suspicious of others. 

"What if she's an assassin?"

She's looking a bit palish now. 

Blood draining from her face. 

[I mean, what kind of assassin would work at a bakery?]

Now that I think carefully about it, that would make a good cover. 

Bakery salesman by day. 

Ruthless assassin by night. 

Who would ever expect that? 

"You never know, but maybe you are right. The latest days have been rough *Sigh*."

She relaxes. 

"Get him a pie and some tea."

Before long the old man comes out and they start happily discussing. 

I go next to her and pat her shoulder. 

[Don't worry. Just focus on your job and everything will be alright] 

"T-that, what if I find that I'm not suited for the job?" 

[Rubbish! You are working here from now on! Just keep selling pies, this is your destiny!] 

She nods absent-mindedly. 

Thus I resume baking. 


I almost had a heart attack! 

When that city official entered, I recognized him. 

One of the big shots there. 

He is at the very top of the list of do not offend. 

I had heard how this shop had some relationship with city hall. 

Seems our information is very wrong. 

Actually no, it probably wasn't disclosed purposely. 

In case some daredevil tries to claim a bounty on him and ruined everything for us. 

Still, I strongly believe he wouldn't be easy to deal with in the first place. 

Just his instinct alone makes it close to impossible to kill him. 

He instantly saw through me. 

Funny how I served him food and drinks too. 

I could easily have poisoned either. 

Yet I didn't dare. 

I was sure I was a goner. 

But then that man intervened. 

The one I came here for. 

Defended me for some reason. 

For now, I am in the clear. 

But also stuck here. 

It would be extremely suspicious of me to leave right after encountering that city guy. 

Still, this isn't what I was expecting.

At all!

The targets I have to reach daily are only pies. 

Selling damn pies! 

He was serious about all of it! 

He simply wants me to stand there, welcome customers, and take their money.

Nothing else! 

This is such a waste of my capabilities! 

Not only that, but what's even the salary for such a job? 

It has to be pitifully low. 

Selling pies is my destiny? 

I'd rather kill myself before. 

Now, what should I do? 

I know. 

This baker somehow has secret information on the slave traders. 

I just need to find a way to interrogate him. 

The fastest way is for sure to kidnap him and torture him. 

Then I'll have more leverage and options. 

I can grab him easily if I drug him. 

He doesn't seem wary in the least against me. 

How long would I have before someone starts looking for him?

Actually, sometimes overthinking can be bad. 

I wait until it is just about bedtime. 

The old man isn't in the picture. 

There is only me, my target, and a small wolf here. 

The latter I can always silence easily if it becomes an issue. 

I brew some tea, slip some drugs in there, then I head to the kitchen.

He gratefully accepts it and drinks. 

"Goodnight Sir!" 

I just need to wait a few minutes and he should fall unconscious. 

Then I'll escape to a safe house and hopefully bring him back in the morning. 

[Is there anything you want to say?] 

How is he still talking without any issue?! 

I just need to buy a bit more time. 

"I just wanted to thank you for earlier Sir!"

[Don't sweat it haha. It's normal.]

No matter how long I stand here he shows no sign of faltering. 

[Did you fall for my handsomeness?] 

"Sorry, Sir. I just spaced out!" 

What the hell?! 

How is he still fine?!

What handsomeness?! 


This is the weirdest job I've ever done. 

I'll just report to my superior tomorrow and see what he comes up with. 

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