The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 291: Art Gallery

Chapter 291: Art Gallery

Welcome to pimp your bakery.

After baking a bit I leave, letting the girl watch over the place. 

I bring some coins. 

I am looking for an artist. 

The one that I saw at the duel to be exact. 

I want to ask him to draw an enticing billboard for me. 

I quickly ask for directions. 

Apparently, there is an art gallery not far away. 

A small one, but they should know more about my target. 

As I get there, I can see a small crowd. 

The building is relatively small. 

About 20 individuals at once can comfortably visit it at once. 

There is a responsible for admission it seems. 

[Hey there, I am looking for an artist.]

"You came to the right place then! All the best ones are exposed here. The admission is 1 silver!"

Isn't that like 10 pies?! How expensive! 

[Actually, I am just looking for a guy. I know he drew the duel last time] 

"Friend, you should just head inside and see if his work is there."

[Fair enough.] 

I guess worst case it doesn't have to be him for sure. 

I reluctantly pay and head inside. 

I can see a bunch of people well-dressed commenting on various canvas. 

The more I look and the more disappointed I get. 

Let's just say I cannot recognize any of the creatures drawn. 

The portraits are not that bad, but they are lacking something. 

Lacking vitality I'd say. 

Am I too picky since I'm used to good art? 

"This one is a real masterpiece!"


I approach, then I see some sort of mythical creature. 

Resplendent with rainbow scales. 

There is a drawing of a unicorn. 

Rainbow horn, a luminous aura even wings.

Why are there scales and wings? 

I guess the artist decided to have some fun haha. 

Some man nearby exclaims. 

"I really like how realist it is!" 

Oh? This is intriguing.

[Hey there, could you tell me what kind of creature that is?]

"*Scoff** Can't you read?!" 

[Exactly. I can't.] 

"Who even let this illiterate bum in here?!" 

That asshole. 

[I paid my entrance fee like everyone else.]

"That is why they should make it more expensive! To filter the trash!"

As the arrogant man is making a ruckus, comes a young man. 

He seems calm and poised yet doesn't seem stuck up. 

"Hey there friend, what would you like to know about this piece?" 

[Ah, I'm just wondering what it is.]

"This is a noble and legendary unicorn."

[Why the wings and the scales then?] 

"In literature unicorns are said to be as powerful and fast as dragons."

[HAHAHA, that is taking things very literally. That is what is great about art you can be creative. But why the hell would anyone call it realistic?] 

"Well no one has ever seen a unicorn, so the artist had to improvise."

[I see. For future reference, a unicorn is just a horse with a horn. Well, one that can use magic and talk but that's pretty much it.] 

The arrogant guy comes back. 

"Bullshit! You are telling it as if you've seen one yourself! How ignorant of you! All the records we have all point at this piece being accurate."

[*Shrug* Then your records are wrong.] 

"How dare you spout nonsense here!?"

[I mean I don't have to be daring, I just need to follow your lead.] 

I can hear people snicker in the background. 


The young man intervenes. 

"Now both of you calm down. Let's not fight on something we have no proof of."

"Sure, as soon as he apologizes for his insensitive remarks! That is trying to shame all the scholars of the city!" 

[Shouldn't a scholar pursue knowledge rather than fame? What's the point of sticking to erroneous ideas?] 

"Hehe, good. Do you dare present your arguments to a scholarly assembly?! They will instantly figure you out for the fake you are!" 

More like why should I care?

I'm just here to find a guy. 

I turn to the young man. 

Completely ignoring the previous guy. 

[So I'm looking for an artist that sells portraits of rankers. To everyone. Ah, especially the ladies.] 

"You wretched! No wonder you are here to cause trouble! You are that bastard's friend!" 

I can hear voices of agreement in the background. 

I take it he is not popular around here.

[So you guys do know him! Where can I find him?] 

The arrogant guy starts shouting.

"Manager! Expulse this guy right away! He is a bad apple!" 

Before long some subservient guy comes in and tells me to leave. 

I keep asking for more info, but they simply turn me back every time.

Oh well, this gallery sucked anyway. 

Ah, there is just one thing. 

[I want a refund! You guys kicked me out for no valid reason!] 

The guy at the entrance denies my request. 

Something about the rules being written at the entrance sign clearly. 

Is it me or all the entertainment businesses here have issues? 

Rock gambling uses literal death warriors. 

The art gallery doesn't know what art is. 

No wonder people flock to duels! 

As I'm pondering about my next move I see the young man scuttle over. 

"Hey there, sorry about earlier."

[Don't sweat it, idiots. They are everywhere.] 

"Haha don't let him hear that or he'll get mad. He's very prideful."

[Was he the artist or something? Why did he get so mad?] 

"No, actually I am the one that painted that. I also had his input for drawing it."

[Oh, why did you even listen to him?]

"He very forcefully offered haha. With coins." 

Makes sense. 

[I mean if he wants a rainbow dragon-unicorn there isn't an issue, but why get hyped over it?] 

"Apparently he has been researching the topic for years, so he gets antsy about anyone contesting it." 

[Blinded by pride he chooses to ignore the truth eh.] 

"I mean, what even is the truth at this point haha. When is the last time someone even saw one such creature?"

[Like at worst a few weeks give or take?]

"What do you mean?"

[Since I last saw one. A unicorn.] 

"Surely you are jesting." 

[Why does everyone assume that at first? Like sure they are powerful, but besides that, they are literally horny horses.] 

"You?! You'd die if some people heard you!" 

[Why? The one I know doesn't have an issue with the nickname.] 

He looks at me in disbelief.

"You really know one?" 

[Well, we parted way in that one town with the tamer guild.]

"You swear?!" 

[Why don't you just get a truth bell or something haha.]


[Anyway, I'm looking for a good artist to make something for my shop. Can you help with that?]

Why does he look shell-shocked? 

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