The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 122: Bloodlines Test

Chapter 122: Bloodlines Test

After calming Lily down, Victor told her to go get the girls. He needed to test their bloodlines.

Watching her leave the study he sighed, wondering what would be her reaction when she hears his plan for her family. Well…. that would be for the future. Now he had to get rid of Linda, His plan for her was already underway, and that idiot was acting just as he expected. It was a good thing that she lives in Vein city, where the Von Weise family controls everything.

Soon, Lily returned with the girls.

“Young master, do you need anything?” Beta asked as Lily didn’t explain why the young master requested them.

“Come on, one by one drop your blood onto this book,” Victor said,

“We already did that when Master Barr... Pig took us to the mansion.” Beta said.

“Yeah, I know. Now do it again.” Victor gestured to her.

Beta nodded and then did as he said. The book quickly flipped to a page with an ID-154 on its header. This was Baron’s handwriting.

; ;
BLOOD ID 41544321126616123421343214321430



Her bloodline was not pure it seems, so the data was not complete, it seemed that to complete the data of a bloodline he would need to get samples from more people. But this was enough for him to know its originator. He quietly wrote it in his notebook.

After that the girls, one by one tested their blood types as Victor wrote some notes down. He especially Licked his lips when Theta tested her blood...

“All done, good job,” he said, with a chuckle as he looked at the data. Making the girl pout a little because he told them nothing. They didn’t dare complain though.

“Good, Lily, go get your sisters,” Victor said, as he gestured to Margaret and Alex, who was now wearing a maid dress, to enter the room.

Beta and her sisters gave Alex a strange look, especially Gamma, who was a little interested in Alex before. She never thought he had such hobbies. Really, all men are perverts!

Alex, Margret, and the twins were tested after that. They didn’t have any bloodlines. But the book's reaction to Alex’s case was strange, it was as if it was having a hard time deciding, which made Victor think of a possibility as he began to look at her. Maybe her bloodline was locked, like the curse that locked her experience before.

“Is everything ok young master?” Alex asked with a blush as she felt her eyes crawl all over her body. She wasn’t used to wearing a dress.

“Just sit here,” he said pointing to a couch nearby as he hurried the other girls to go out.

Margret giggled making Gamma ask her what was going on,

“Oh, Alex has discovered that he was not comfortable being a man, and the young master decided to help him find his direction in life.” She said, making the girls blush.

“I am a girl.” Alex wanted to shout while wishing to strangle that slut, Margret. Can’t you find a better way to explain things?

After Margaret winked then closed the door, Victor looked at Alex and asked

“You already told me that you had no idea who your mother was, right?” Victor asked making Alex frown a little,

She nodded, she had already told him about her family when she met him.

“Do you have any mementos from her?” Victor asked.

Alex hesitated for a moment,

“I…Yes… Not with me. There was a pendant that my father always wore, he told me that it was from my mother. But…. That traitor took it when he imprisoned me….” Alex said with hatred, forgetting her embarrassment.

“Your fiance?” Victor asked,

“Yes… NO… My best friend, Don’t forget that I am a male, young master.” Alex said with sweat dripping from her forehead. She almost revealed herself.

“Oh… That would be a big problem then.” Victor said with a sigh.

“Why? Is everything ok, young master?” Alex asked.

“Your bloodline is strange. It is as if there was something, hiding or locking it. Even this book, an S-ranked Artifact, couldn't detect it. It may have something to do with your mother.” Victor said, making Alex surprised.

“We have to get that pendant. I believe it holds a secret.” Victor added.

“Shall we go to the Thunder sect? I don’t know if that guy survived,” Alex asked with determination.

“Yes, Maybe it is there on his corpse, perhaps he survived, Maybe someone took it during the battle. There are too many variables... We will have to go there to investigate the place anyway. But not now.” Victor said while pondering, “Next month I will have to go on a dungeon raid with my father near NewLure City. That place is close to the thunder sect, so we would head there on our way back. I already promised you that I will help you get revenge. And although someone beat us to the thunder sect, I still have to help you retrieve your things and regain your honor.” Victor said, acting as if he really cared about her, while in truth he only wanted to know what happened to the thunder sect's vault. If it was still hidden, he wouldn’t mind ransacking it.

As for the pendant… If it really mattered, It would find its way to Alex sooner or later. That’s how scions and fate worked.

Alex nodded with gratefulness in her eyes. The young master really cares for her.

Just then Lily returned with her assassin girls who quickly saluted Victor respectfully while giving Alex a strange look. Is this guy a male or a female? Wasn’t he dressed in a butler uniform earlier? If it were not for his short hair, they would have truly mistaken him for a girl. Is he a pervert? or is this just a hobby?

“Come on, Everyone. Drop your blood on this book’s cover,” Victor said with a smile as if he understood the girls' dirty thoughts.

The girls nodded and then began to test their blood one by one.

Sadly, they were all except one, normal Humans. Well, Finding someone with a bloodline was never easy.

Anyway, he will keep this book with him in case he meets an interesting girl….. or boy.

He quickly kicked the girl back to their room to get some sleep then sat down, and relaxed as Lily stood behind him massaging his shoulders.

“Any good results?” she asked curiously, making Victor hand her the notebook.

; ;

Silver Wolf Bloodline.

B Rank



Golden Duck Bloodline.

C Rank



Diamond Dog Bloodline

E Rank



Bronze Dog Bloodline.

D Rank



Three Tailed Fox Bloodline

D Rank



Sleepy porcupine Bloodline.

F Rank



Twin Tailed Lucky Cat Bloodline.

S Rank



Horned Bat Bloodline.

E Rank


Victor sighed, The girls didn’t have pure blood, but that’s to be expected as most likely they were just some random common girls who had really bad luck, except Theta. Was it her luck that brought her to him? He really wanted to know her skills but her blood purity was too low for the book to analyze.

“Lily, I want you to check the data we got from Baron, see if there's anything about the girl’s origin,” He said, Lily nodded as she watched her young master close his eyes and enjoy her delicate hands.

She didn’t know but he was checking on Alpha’s situation, she was still training the brothel girls. She was going to use them to create a spy network using some of the resources that were hidden by her family. That girl was a pure sadist. She could act as an evil mistress very easily. He remembers how savage she was when he first met her. But now, dominating her felt quite good.

Anyway, He needed her to return fast. As she had the Horas Jewel which he needed to create a protection and hiding formation around the mansion. He wants to awaken all the girls. If he was discovered by the family or the other powers, it would raise too many questions as he can’t just say it was a coincidence, like the dungeon incident. And he might need to leave the mansion in the future and he didn’t want them to be helpless.

That reminded him, that he never got the formation materials he asked the alchemist about. Victor quickly searched his storage ring and took out the card that the old man gave him. It has a store address. He should go there tomorrow before heading out to search for the 41 death warriors Nick hid.

“What are you thinking about young master,” Lily asked him with a frown after she saw the lewd smile on his face. She didn’t like it at all.

“Tomorrow you will accompany me to get about 40 new girls. ” He said Lazily. Making Lily, just for a moment, consider if it was Ok to strangle this pervert young master's neck.

Martin Von Zwei looked coldly at his son’s body as the candlelight illuminated the dog shit covering it. It leaked out of the casket onto the expensive wool carpet that covered the grand hall. 

The elders around him chose to remain silent, observing, and wondering. It seemed Fresh. How many dogs do you need to create such a master piece?

“Patriarch, let me go and kill that bastard Cassius, how dare he do this to young master Carlos.” An elder from the patriarchs fraction said with anger, as the other elders around him also clamored for revenge

“No,” Martin said, making the hall go silent again as he pondered for a second,

“What do you think Levi?” He asked his second son without showing any expression.

“This is a trap. The enemy must have been doubting Cassius. They want to expose the force behind him. Even Carlos’s death might not be a coincidence. We must not react rashly” Levi said, making the elders nod in approval.

“Amazing young master, we have not thought of that.” many elders said, trying hard to kiss his ass.

“Silence!” Martin commanded in a chilling voice, making them quickly hold their tongues, they didn’t want to lose them.

“The question is…. Is it one of us?” he asked looking at the nervous elders, “Someone from the other family?” He added looking at his son, “Or the Von Weise.” He concluded with hatred leaking through his cold facade.

“I may add that it may be some unknown faction in the Von Weise family,” Levi added, making his father give him an approving look.

“What do you propose?” He asked majestically.

“Rita should have finished her Ceremony, So I think it is a good time for her to join us, just for a few days before attending the Academy. I might need to take her on a tour to the graveyard lab.” He said, making the elders in the hall shiver.

“She is your fiance, do you really want to put her through that?” Martin asked coldly.

“We must,” Levi said, “She is a pawn anyway. And her death would serve a purpose at least,” he added.

“Master, that would expose Cassius.” an elder said to Martin.

“It’s Ok, that faction is disposable, as Cassius was probably exposed. And we still have the Von Rosen, we just need to tell them to hasten their infiltration. Killing Ann would make a perfect opportunity because all the competing factions would need to strengthen themselves fast, and marriage with another family is a sure way.” Levi explained.

“Master, but Ann is already poisoned, no need to make Rita kill her.” Another elder who was of an opposing faction interjected.

“She was cured. We still don’t know who and how.” Levi replied, making the elder frown. He didn’t like the fact that he was not informed of this new information.

“Fine, make sure to do it perfectly. It’s time to get rid of the Von Weise anyway, as many worms are already eyeing them. If they were not annihilated after this, they would have to go into hiding for a long time to recover from the internal dispute that will ensue.” Martin said as he coldly looked at Carlos’s corpse.

“Understood, Esteemed father,” Levi answered.

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