The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 123: Another Dog?

Chapter 123: Another Dog?

Victor woke up at the ringing of his phone, and as usual, he was not in a mood to answer. He didn't even bother to open his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling of being hugged by more than one girl. He knew that someone would pick it up sooner or later.

“This is the phone of young master Victor,” Lily answered the phone after a few seconds,

“No, He is busy…” Her tone got less polite.

“Ah, when?”

“Yes,... I will tell him,”

"I know."

With that, she hung up the phone rudely.

“Good morning young master, It is Kai, He wanted to tell you that you got invited to an auction tomorrow night.” Lily said,

“Oh, Where and At What time.” He asked lazily.

“About 9.00 PM, They will send someone with the invitation later. It is in the White hotel.” She replied,

“9.00? That b*tch, Charlotte, wants me to arrive late it seems.” He thought as he opened his eyes and looked at the girls hugging him. They were Mina and Mana who have sneaked into his bed in the middle of the night. They seemed to have been awake all this time.

“Good morning, young master.” They said at the same time.

“Good morning? Don’t you too have duties to attend to?” He asked them as he yawned. It was already 10.00 AM. Those girls are getting lazy.

“We didn’t want to wake you. And hugging the young master was very comfortable so we didn’t want to let go.” Mana said cheekily with a blush, she has been learning from Margret it seems. Oh, where is that slut?

“Where is Margaret?” He asked, That pervert should have been with them.

“Ah, do you miss her, young master?” Mina asked, trying to tease her young master but failing miserably,

“Maybe, She has a nice texture…” He said, making the girls feel a little jealous. “What does he mean by texture?” They wondered.

“She said that she will sleep with her new toy,” Mana answered after some hesitation, she was worried that the young master would get angry about Margaret sleeping with Alex.

“Oh, if it is Alex then it’s OK. He is the one we should be worried about. You can try sleeping with him too if you want.” Victor said, making the girls feel strange. But on second thought, it’s true. That Alex didn’t act like a man at all. He was a wimp.

“Now go wash up then prepare some breakfast for me,” Victor said, making the girls reluctantly get up. Last night, Lily let them hug the young master with her. And without that annoying Margret, they enjoyed a blissful night.

They didn’t know why, but being near their young master made them feel a strange sense of security.

The twins quickly returned to their room and took a shower then headed to the kitchen after getting dressed in their maids' uniforms.

Margret and Alex, who was still in a maid uniform, were already there helping Hilda who seemed to have already prepared most of the dishes, so the twins only had to make the final touches.

“How was your night?” Hilda asked them while raising her eyebrow. She didn’t expect them to jump to the young master’s bed this willingly. But it's not bad.

“It was good,” Mina said with a blush before turning to Margaret and asking to change the subject,

“How was your night Margret?” She asked curiously, what did they do all night, that Alex was a little pale.

“It was fine, we just played a little game,” Margret chuckled, making Alex shiver. She should have never tied Margret up that night. This girl seeks revenge for the slightest grievances. Thankfully it didn’t involve anything sexually, or her secret would have been revealed.

Alex swore that she should never let Margret know her true gender. Just thinking about what would happen sent shivers down her spine.

“Oh…” Mana nodded with a blushed face, imagining some wild scenarios.

“Let’s get things ready,” Hilda said after a chuckle. She never thought that this much drama would happen in this mansion. Young master Victor was really great. She could tell from the smiles of the girls. She has served under other masters in the family, and most of them are pieces of shit. They would never give their servants this much freedom and they would punish them for every little thing.


After having his breakfast hand-fed to him by Lily, Victor asked about the other girls in the mansion and Hilda told him that they had already eaten early in the morning. Beta and her sisters were studying, while the assassin girls were doing their morning training.

“I have some business outside, Do you want to come with me, or would you prefer to go shopping with your sisters?” Victor asked Lily,

“I will go with you,” Lily said naturally as she wiped his mouth with a napkin.

“Will you give me a ride? I want to go to my apartment and get my clothes” Aria, who just went downstairs, asked.

“That’s fine,” Victor replied, He totally forgot that she was living with him now.

“What about me?” Margret asked,

“You stay here with Alex, He should stay low for a while. And You have to teach him how to flirt with men.” Victor said, making Alex bite her lip. “This is for your own good,” Victor told her after noticing her sour expression.

The strange thing about Alex is that even if she was wearing the maid uniform, she would still give the air of a boy, it was the gender-changing artifact’s effect. Only Victor, who was not affected due to his high authority, could enjoy the sight of Alex’s camouflaged curvy figure.

“Hilda, call Theta for me, I want her to accompany us,” Victor ordered before he stood up and headed out to check on his car. He didn’t have a chance to really inspect it since he bought it.

This time he can’t take Leo as he might need to drive while following the Ring’s signal. Finding Nick’s hideout would require some Luck.


After an Hour, Victor drove out of the Mansion with Lily, Aria, and the jubilant Theta. This was her first time going out like this, and despite Alpha’s repeated warnings, she really liked the young master.

First, they headed to the store where Victor intended to buy the Materials for the formation.

It was an antique store built inside a warehouse in an inconspicuous industrial zone as if the owner intended to be low-key. There was not much traffic, just some lorries or trucks passing by.

“All of you stay here.” He told the girls as he got down. He didn’t want to attract unnecessary trouble because of the girls' beauty.

“Young master, can I come?” The curious Theta asked, making Victor who wanted to refuse her freeze. His instinct told him that he should never refuse this girl's requests.

“Ok,” He said, as he stretched his hand, making her hold it with a slight blush. When she was at Titus’s mansion, she was never treated this kindly by the men there. And the young master’s hand is so soft.

Aria could only utter Pervert in a low Voice, while Lily looked at them with some jealousy. But she had seen the bloodline notes Victor took yesterday, and she had an Idea why Victor would take Theta with him.

“Don’t let go of my hand,” Victor said to Theta, who nodded in response.

Entering the store, Vector looked around and quickly found that this store specialized in antiques, fake antiques to be specific. It was filled with all kinds of things.

“Don’t touch anything, if you break it you will pay for it. A bossy sales girl who was dusting the antiques barked at him. “Do you need anything?” She asked after that.

; ;


STR 14

INT 22




BloodLine (?)

Victor quickly appraised her and discovered that this girl was just a servant, her master probably belonged to some hidden power.

“Where is your Master? This young master wants to meet him.” Victor asked Arrogantly, making the girl squint her eyes.

“You mean the Boss? He only meets important people.” She said proudly,

“Tell him the old Alchemist sent me. Go... This young master has no time to waste.” He said, giving her the card he got from the shopkeeper.

The girl frowned a little as she took the card and then headed to the back of the store.

“Wait a second. And touch nothing.” She rudely said many people come here to meet her master, and he usually just kicks them out.

As they waited, Theta began to look around the store. Looking at all the paintings and vases.

“Do you like anything?” He asked her, just in case.

“Ah, I don’t know.” She said as she shook her head making her ponytail swing, “I think that painting is pretty.” She said pointing to an obvious knockoff, palm-sized painting of a penguin smoking a pipe.

Victor said nothing, he just approached it and began to inspect it. His appraisal skill showed nothing. And his impression was that this thing was not even a real painting. It was made using some printer then plastered with some opaque watercolors over the ink to appear authentic for some idiot to buy it. The one who did this didn’t even bother to use some inexpensive oil paints.

“Ah, this young master has a keen eye. This painting was the last product of an aspiring artist.” someone said from behind him. It was an old man with a snow-white pointy beard and thick eyebrows. He came from the back of the shop and was followed by that bossy salesgirl.

; ;

NAME: Huang Shan


CLASS: Merchant



Strength: 245

Agility: 229

Intelligence: 261

Luck: 53

Charm: 57

Order: 80


Killer Fist S

Appraisal A

Formation Arts A

Haggling A

Money Grubber A

Suspicion A

Speech A

Charm B

Scheming B

Cooking B

Brewing B

Survivor C

Knife Arts D

Surveying D

Shield, D

Chess E

Sword Arts F

Cleaning F

System Store Access (LEVEL 7).

PLAYER Market Access (LEVEL 2).


Defensive Talisman S

Charm enhancing Ring B

Aura Hiding pendant B

Storage Ring D

Ring of the Master F






Another hidden master. Those guys are popping out everywhere recently. No wonder that after the Reckoning the world changed so fast. Those guys were waiting for their chance.

“Are you the boss here?” Victor asked arrogantly,

“Yes, Did Neil send you?” The man asked as he looked at the card in his hand...

“If you mean that grumpy alchemist, then yes. He didn’t have the materials I needed, so he sent me here. He even told me that you would give me a discount.” Victor said, making the girl behind a smirk. The boss had never given anyone discounts before, this idiot young master would be lucky if he didn’t lose his pants on his way out.

“Oh, what do you need?” The old man said, not caring for Victor’s rude language. He just looked at Theta, then returned his vision to Victor. “The girl is normal, but this guy is strange, why can’t I see anything? He must be from a powerful family that gave him some protection artifacts. But is he a big fish or just another shrimp?” the man wondered without making it show on his face.

“These materials,” Victor said as he gave the man the list.

Huang Shan quickly took a look at it with a frown.

“I have those materials, Payment is in COINs.” The man said seriously. This is a good business deal.

“How much.” Asked Victor,

“3,000,000 COINs.” The man said while flashing three of his fingers in Victor’s face. He was not sure if Victor would run when he heard that number. Many people underestimate the cost of those materials.

“Mmmm. Too much.” Victor said while wanting to smack this guy's face. He was charging him more than double the normal price. Too bad he didn’t want anyone to know he got those, otherwise he would have just bought them from the family. But that would expose too many things.

“Too much? Not at all. This Mirage stone is not easily found, you know. And I am already giving you a discount because Neil sent you.” Huang replied dismissively, Making Victor frown for a second before looking at Huang again.

“I can accept but….. I need two things from your shop with it.” Victor said, making Huang surprised, this is a big fish. He will get an 83% profit margin from those.

“What?” Huang asked, he really wants this deal to work now.

“First, this painting,” Victor said while observing the penguin painting, making Huang look at it with interest too. Does this thing have any real value? Both of them wondered.

But Huang, who got curious, would never let go of this painting now.

“That can’t be. This painting is too precious. My late mother used to love it, so it is not for sale.” Huang said making Camellia behind him curse at him, didn’t he punish her a few days ago for failing to get rid of it? And what late mother? Didn’t you scam this thing a month ago out of the hands of that lousy wandering painter?

Victor frowned, then looked at Theta, who only shook her head. “It’s Ok, I don’t like it much anyway, it was just interesting.” She said in a soft voice. She didn't want the young master to get in trouble because of her. It was enough that he wanted to buy her the painting.

“Fine, Then I will take a random thing in addition to that girl,” Victor said pointing at Camellia who opened her mouth in shock, Did this guy really want her? Does he want revenge? Would her master sell her just like that?

“Oh, She would be an extra 1,000 COINs,” Huang said immediately, he got this girl a few months ago and only for 100 COINs. But if this pervert wanted her he didn’t mind giving her to him. He wanted to get a new one anyway. He can’t keep someone by his side for too long.

“That’s a lot. I can buy 10 beauties for that much money.” Victor said while sneaking peeks at Camellia.

“Then how about I give you this painting with her. It is for the same artist who drew the Penguin.” The man said as he rampaged a little before taking another lousy painting of a cat with two tails. This thing was even uglier than the penguin as the artist didn’t even bother to use a brush, he must have done it with his finger. But despite that it made Victor want to yell in shock, isn’t this Theta’s bloodline originator, the Two-tailed lucky cat? He professionally hid his expression as he looked at the painting. What the F*ck was going on here?

“Are you perhaps scamming this young master?” He asked the shopkeeper, hiding his true feelings. As Theta held squeezed his hand, she really wanted this painting.

“Not at all,” Huang replied professionally.

Victor looked at Camellia and embarrassingly scratched his nose as if he was thinking while trying hard to hide his lips licking tongue. This gesture wasn’t hidden from Huang’s expert eyes. Another pervert! Lately, he has been selling girls more than anything else. Well, it’s all business.

Victor gave the penguin painting one more reluctant look and then pointed to a random hair ornament.

“I agree. I will take that too then.” He said. This would look good on Lily, he thought.

“Is it a deal then? “ Huang said, after giving the hairpin a dismissive glance. Nothing special. He had a dozen of those in the back.

“Yes, when can I get my materials?” Victor said, regaining his arrogant appearance.

“Just a second,” Huang quickly went to the back as Camellia looked nervously at Victor. She has been a little rude to him earlier, would he punish her?

After a few minutes, Huang returned with a bag of materials. After that, he wrapped the cat picture and gave it to Victor with the hairpin.

“That would be 3,001,000 COINs,” Huang said,

Victor quickly operated his system menu and paid him from Alpha’s account. Then put the stuff in his ring.

“Good, does the young master need anything else?” Huang said politely, a big fish must be treated respectfully before and after chopping it.

“The girl,” Victor said, making Huang smack his head,

“Sorry I forgot.” He said as he operated the ring on his finger. “I have nothing to do with her now.” The man said he dispelled the ring's effect.

“All, good,” Victor said as he ordered Camellia not to resist and then marked her with his master ring, taking one of the last two remaining slots. Only one left.

Huang looked with interest at the ring in Victor’s hand but said nothing. This young master was definitely from a big family, and he must be occupying an important position. Hang thought.

Victor ignored him and left the store followed by an aggrieved girl who kept looking back with tears in her eyes, not knowing how she ended up changing hands.

Just as they left the store Huang smacked his head again.

“Shit, I forgot to ask him for the price of the clothes Camellia was wearing… Never mind, I got enough milk out of him today.” He complained.

Victor led Theta and the nervous Camellia back to the car, where Lily was leaning to the car as she stared at him and Camellia behind him. Next to the car, two burly men were squirming on the ground holding their crotches, suffering from the mysterious cracked nut syndrome.

“You drive,” Victor told Aria as he returned to the car and sat in the back with Lily and Camellia.

“Name?” asked Victor. As Aria started the car.

“Camellia, young master.” She said timidly, he must be really angry.

“Lily, you test her,” Victor said, giving Lily who was sitting next to Camellia the blood book from his ring, making her squint her eyes. Another bloodline holder? The young master can really pick out those.

“Prick your finger and drop your blood here,” Lily ordered coldly.

Camellia quickly complied, making a new page appear in the book.

; ;
Hell Guardian Dog



Another Dog? Well, this one is interesting, she did have the personality of a cocky guard. And was barking when she saw strangers. But this is good, that idiot Huang would have never thought that he lost big. An A rank Bloodline holder costs at least 5,000,000 COINs

“Tell me about yourself,” Victor ordered as he watch the road. Aria was driving to her apartment.

Wait, is he forgetting something here? Yes, he didn’t test Aria’s bloodline. That purple hair can’t be natural.

“I…. I am nothing special. I come from a village near Vain city, my family was poor so they sold me to a gang. I changed hands many times and was purchased by Master Huang two months ago.” She said timidly,

“How old are you? Are you a virgin?” Lily asked her.

“ I am 22 Years old, And No….” Camellia shook her head, making Victor curse, he really wanted to upgrade this one’s bloodline.

“What are you good at?” He asked her.

“Ah… I can do cleaning, cooking, and accounting. I can also fight a little.” She said nervously. Her previous masters tried to teach her how to sing and dance. But they failed miserably.

“Do you know anything about this painting?” He asked again as he took out the cat painting from his ring and looked at it. It has only one signature on the back. A strange symbol that Victor didn’t recognize.

“A wandering artist sold it to master Huang about five weeks ago. With two other paintings of a penguin and a butterfly.” She said, “The butterfly painting was sold to a hot girl who drove a red sports car a week ago.” She added, making Vector frown, then give the painting to Theta. With this girl’s luck, this thing can’t be a coincidence.

“This is yours.”He said, explaining nothing. Just as Theta took the painting, just for a split second, Victor saw a white thread connect between the painting and her. As if this was fated.

Theta, who noticed nothing strange, smiled as she took the painting and began to look at it. This was the first gift from the young master and she really liked it.

“Tell me if you felt anything strange about it.” He told Theta as he decided to keep an eye on this girl. After that, he looked back at Camellia,

“From now on, she is yours.” He told Lily who was surprised. “For me, young master?” She asked.

“You need a maid or an assistant, As I want you to run my assassins force.” He said, making Lily, who got his point, nod, She really needed an assistant, it would make it easier to stay at her young master’s side.

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