The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 149: Main Wife

Chapter 149: Main Wife

“Who is Bill? My nephew?” Theodore coldly asked Amelia who was pale white, making Martha who just stepped out of the room stop and look back… Causing her to bump into a cactus that was strategically placed near the door. “Ouch..”

Amelia ignored her as she thought for a good answer to Theodore’s question….

“... Probably… Linda told me that she was texting Bill lately. They met by chance about a year ago.” Amelia said nervously as she watched Theodore take his phone and send a message… probably to the family.

“What? It told you father, that I don’t like her…. How many men was she cheating on me with?” Victor asked loudly as he pointed his finger at Amelia.

She didn’t know how to answer that. She was indeed the one who instigated Linda to find other candidates in the first place… But she never expected that b*tch to be so lawless. She even slept with Titus.

Martha, who was very angry, and a little hurt by the cactus, seemed to have thought of something… then cursed silently after she remembered that Linda was not a virgin anymore…

Taking a deep breath, she entered the room again as she dusted the spines of her expensive shawl.

“Mr. Theodore. I hope we can work this somehow,” she told Theodore, causing Victor to look at her with an inspecting look. This snake wants to use this incident to create discord within the family…

“I already let the family know about this. The elders should decide.” Theodore spat angrily as he dragged his son out. He had never been humiliated like this in his entire life.

With that, Theodore got out of the cross mansion and then ordered the driver to go back after throwing Victor in the back seat and sitting beside him.

“Sorry… I never expected this Linda to be like this…. Don’t worry, I will find you a better wife. Someone from a bigger family.” Theodore said after a few minutes, making Victor speechless...

“Father… I already have Lily. and there is that girl Nova too.” Victor said. Lily’s position must not be affected. It’s crucial for his plan.

“Lily is a maid… Although you can consider her your main wife, the family would never approve… And Nova is just a concubine… Her family just wanted to get rid of her…. That won’t do. You need a main wife with a good background.” Theodore said.

“But father…. As far as I know, You don’t seem to have such a wife.” Victor Interjected…

“... I had..” Theodore said but didn’t continue, making Victor frown… He had never heard of this… This was not in the family Archive…

“Who was she?” Victor asked solemnly. This seemed to be a sensitive subject for his father.

Theodore sighed… “Her name was Rosette. She came from the heavenly sect… “ Theodore said briefly as his face turned to the street, hiding the longing in his eyes.

Victor gasped.

No wonder they destroyed the files about her. It must be an order from those guys.

The Heavenly Sect was the strongest force in the world.

They had the most powerful players with the most Authority and levels. It is said that 7 out of 10 of the Artifacts that existed belonged to them.

Not only that...They also collected the most gifted players from all over the world as disciples, teaching them skills and techniques. That place has more than 5 scions.

Thankfully, they didn’t care about mortal affairs. However, If one day they decided to take over the world, no power could rival them. Except maybe the Von Krone, Lily’s real family…

They only intervene when some power tries to disturb world peace. They were the reason the Von Richter, Alpha’s family, lost very quickly.

In his previous life, that sect remained neutral after the reckoning… Until they were wiped out by the Von Krone who ruled the world for 100 years by then…. They wanted to stage a coup... They failed miserably.

As far as Victor knows, his elder sister, Alice Von Weise, was a disciple there… Too bad the sect didn’t want to anger that Scion back then… Some elders acted on their own accord and killed her to appease him… That was the official narrative anyway.

Now, most importantly, Victor wanted to inquire about his father’s mysterious main wife... But looking at his father’s face he decided not to. His father didn’t look good.

Soon, they reached Victor’s mansion where his father silently kicked him out of the car.

“Don’t tell anyone about what happened today. I will report to the family and Bill would be severely punished…. " He said, "And that Alex looks ridiculous in a maid uniform… His disguise is not working at all… so find another solution.” Theodore added before he left.

“Amalie, This time I can’t help you,” Martha said with a sigh. “The Matriarch would really be pissed about this.” She added as she shook her head and hit the maid who was trying hard to take out some cactus spines from her arm. “Be careful.”

“But Aunt…. Can’t we use Linda’s relationship with Bill somehow?” The terrified Amelia asked.

“Maybe… But the only trouble would be Linda getting Killed... Your little b*tch had already slept with Titus. If Bill found out, he would slit her throat by himself. That pervert Victor would not cause any trouble, he loathes her. And Titus is still serving his punishment for offending Ann… All we can do now is hope that Bill gets angry enough and tries to kill Titus… That might cause some internal strife… But we can’t expose the info by ourselves, or they might suspect something… I have to consult the family about this.” She said with a sigh, “That’s what happens when we use someone unreliable like a maid… Thankfully we didn’t tell her any family secrets… ” Martha added.

Suddenly, The entire house shook as they heard a scream coming from the basement and then the sound of metal breaking.

Amelia looked at Martha who kicked away the maid that fell onto her, then the two of them hurried downstairs to where the real Linda was being kept.

There, in the last room in the corridor, in the center, a very pretty girl was sitting on the bed as a nurse checked her vitals.

“Linda?” Amelia asked in shock when she entered the room with the astonished Martha.

“Mother, Grand Aunt. My ceremony has finished…. I have succeeded.” Lin said with a bright smile.


“How?” Amelia asked.

They were now sitting in her study with Martha. Lin had already taken a bath and was dressed in a white flowing dress. She looked ethereal as she quietly smelled a rose that she got from somewhere.

“Ahh… You see… Yesterday… Pussy came and told me that she was escaping…. And she also told me that she was the one who messed up my ceremony back then.” Lin said with hatred.

“WHAT?” Amelia shouted in shock as she stood up from her seat.

“And how did you defeat that demon?” Martha asked

“I got very desperate…. And decided to bet all the strength I have left, on one last attempt… It was a very close call, But the demon seemed to have been affected by the medication you have been giving me and the demon-suppressing collar… He seemed a little weak. So I took the chance and wrestled control of my body and won.” Lin Lied with a smile.

“Ah… Can that happen?” Amelia asked with some doubt.

“...Yes.” Martha said, “You see. Demons come in all kinds and have different weaknesses. It is not unheard of… Though it is rare. Did you change her medication lately?” She asked.

“Yes… The old ones were not working anymore.” Amelia said as she nodded… It all made sense now.

“That must be it,” Martha said as she took a white rectangular piece of jade from her bag. “Come here Linda, Put your hand on this appraisal stone.” She said,

“Call me Lin… I don’t want to be called by the same name that B*tch used to mess around… She told me everything.” Lina said with hatred as she put her hand on the stone.

; ;



Strength: 98

Intelligence: 98

Agility: 99

Luck: 11

Charm: 36

Order: 10

“Not bad at all, With this you can get a good position in the family.” Martha nodded with a smile, not realizing that the attributes that were displayed were only a tenth of Lin’s true attributes.

“This demon had nearly 100 strength… No wonder you had difficulty defeating him.” Amelia said with a smile as she petted her daughter's hair.

“Too bad you are too old to be an elite member of the family… If you had managed to kill it a few years later you would have been the family's main heir.” Martha added, “Well… I would have to report this to the Matriarch….” she added.

“About my punishment….” Amelia asked,

“Since Lin has awakened successfully it would naturally be lessened…But.... I will try to appease the matriarch for now.” Martha sighed again as she stood up.

“I heard from Pussy about the marriage… I can do it. You don’t have to punish my mother.” Lin said bravely, hiding her true thoughts… She really wanted to marry Victor.

“Oh...Well… That would work, but we would have to appease Von Weise somehow first…. And you might not be able to be the main wife." Martha warned.

"I don't care," Lin said.

"We will see then.” Martha nodded with a smile as she saw Lin’s determination. That’s how a true Von Rosen should be, not like that b*tch who only knows how to chase men.


El cursed silently as she rubbed the floor under Mina’s watchful eye… This was her punishment for trying to scam Theodore, who completely ignored her and ordered Hilda to punish her for being disrespectful to her masters.

Why does this family have so many rules? Damn it.

What should she do now? Run away…. NO. This Victor was not just rich, he was filthy rich. She must find a way to get benefits from him… And she can’t return to the village now, not after big john was killed.

Maybe there is hope if she could grab the mountain deed and get it to Mr. Kline. But… Where can she find it? This place was huge… And that Hilda has eyes like a hawk… She was forbidden from entering the dungeon though… Could it be there?

Last night she had no chance…. Maybe tonight… Maybe she could also steal some precious treasures and get rich… Hehehehe

“You missed a spot. Do it again.” Mina coldly ordered.

“I know, B*tch. Stop ordering me like a…..” El’s curse came to a halt as a shiver ran up her spine.

“Didn’t I tell you that cursing was not allowed in this mansion?” Hilda who materialized behind her asked.

“Ahhh…I…...” El tried to run away but Hilda’s Iron claw grasped her.

“Come, I will resin that dirty mouth of yours with Vinegar again.” She said, dragging the miserable El under Mina's smug look.

Mina and her sister had to go through Hilda’s punishment a few times when they first came here, but they later realized that this was for their own good.

And the punishment El suffered until now could only be considered a preparatory course… Hilda has some very unique punishment… Mina’s body shivered involuntarily as she remembered.

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