The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 150: In Love

Chapter 150: In Love

As soon as Victor reached the mansion’s door, his phone rang. It was Aria.… Apparently, This young master can’t get a good rest.

“We found the girl who took the painting. Her flight will land at the airport in an hour.” She said in hurry,

“Ohh… That’s good, what’s her name?” Victor asked.

“Monica Davis. She is the daughter of Dave Davis, the owner of DD Industries… He works for the family… Shall I contact him? He wouldn’t mind giving you his daughter… If she goes missing suddenly he might alarm the family forces.” She said, making Victor frown…

“No… We better do this discreetly… Anything else?” He asked.

“The list you sent me about those third-rate actors, I investigated them… Nothing interesting, are you sure you want me to sign long-term contracts with them?” She asked

“Absolutely. If there is nothing important I will have to go catch some girls now, see you tonight.” He stated.

“Just be careful.” She said before hanging up.

Victor smiled slightly as he called Chick 17 and told him to meet him at the airport…. Too bad Lily has not returned yet, Shall he bring Alex Instead?

Monica cursed loudly… She was very upset. Her father had forced her to cancel her vacation and return to attend school, under the threat of cutting her off.

Just as she sat in her red car he called. He must have been following her every move.

“Yes, Daddy…” She answered,

“Did your plan land?” He asked as if he didn’t know already.

“It did.” She said,

“Head home immediately then, what are you waiting for? You have to start school tomorrow.” He said,

“But… I promised my friends to…”

“No buts. Don't think that I don’t know that you made up this trip just to get away from here. And I only allowed it because you were a little frustrated after the highway terrorist incident… Now, you should perform your duties as my daughter. The school would be a perfect chance for you to get close to him.” He said with a stern voice.

“But daddy, I don’t want to marry some perverted young master that I never met. Let alone seducing him. I heard how he humiliated his fiance at the party….” She protested as she started her car.

“That’s not important… Speaking of the party, You already failed your mission once by missing it. You can’t fail again, many girls already had their eyes on him. You must understand that Master Victor has been granted an elevated elite status in the family, if you can become his lover, or even just carry his children, my business and position in the family would soar.” He said, making her speechless.

“Is your business more important than my happiness?” She asked as tears fell from her eyes.

“Yes, you just don’t understand how much you can gain. Just get here immediately, I have some information for you to study.” He said as he hung up.

“Damn him,” She shouted as she put away her phone and started the car again… It didn’t start.

After trying a couple of times it still failed to start.

“Even you betrayed me.” She yelled as she left her car, then after tricking some poor guy to help her see what was wrong, she gave up after nothing worked for 15 minutes.

She could only take a taxi after calling a towing truck and giving that guy who helped her check the car a cute thank you.

“Take me to the DD West Mansion.” She told the muscular taxi driver.

“Right away.” The man said with an evil smile as he started the car.

The taxi quickly left the airport, and after some turns, Monica noticed that the car was now on a side road.

“Where are you going?” she yelled… the man didn’t respond.

“Stop..” She yelled again as she took out her phone… There was no signal. She tried to open the doors… They didn’t open…

After knocking on the separating screen and windows for a few minutes she gave up… Was she being kidnapped?

The car stopped after a while. The doors were opened by two burly men that looked like the driver. They dragged her out by force. Into a dark alleyway.

“Stop…. Do you know who I am ?” She yelled, but the men didn’t respond, they just dragged her into an abandoned house. Was she being kidnapped?

“Stop…. Help… Help.” She began to shout and struggle in panic as they dragged her in and shut the door.

A young man was sitting inside at a dusty table. She knew this guy, he was the terrorist who threw the hand grenade at the other car that day… Did he find her because she saw his face?

“Miss Monica, Nice to meet you.” He said with a dashing smile… He was really handsome. What are you thinking Monica?

“What do you want…. I am warning you, My father is Dave Davis. You can’t hurt me. Please Mr. Terrorist. I already told the police what you look like…. ” She said in a panic as she looked around. They were in an abandoned house that was full of dust and cobwebs. The young man was sitting on a chair surrounded by 10 menacing men and a maid… No, that maid was a guy… What’s wrong with him?

“Terrorist…. Ahhh, so it’s about that.” The hot young man said as he inspected her… From head to toe… She didn’t like being inspected… But his eyes were very charming… If she met him on another occasion she would not refuse to date him…

“She is clean.” The young man said to his men after a while, making them relax.

What does he mean by clean?

“Let’s make this quick. If you are obedient, I won’t mind letting you go.” He said as he stood up and approached her. Still inspecting her body… His gaze was piercing, it made her feel very uncomfortable in a strange way… Are terrorists this hot nowadays… What would he do to her…. No matter what… It was better to be done by this hot terrorist rather than a perverted young master… What was she thinking again…

“What?...” She asked as her breathing became faster…. What’s wrong with her?

“A couple of weeks ago you purchased a butterfly painting. Where is it?” He asked as he pinched her cheek. His hand felt very nice… would her boyfriend touch her like that… Why is she out of breath? And why is it so hot in here?

“Ah… A painting…?” She asked absentmindedly.

“Yes, of a butterfly.” He asked again as he raised his eyebrow, pondering.

“Ah… I won’t tell you.” She said…. “The police told me not to help criminals.” She added…

She watched a show where the terrorist killed the hostages after getting all the information they needed. She was not a fool… Now he would have to keep her alive… Would he be rough with her?...

The young terrorist looked at her with a frown… then, he took a glass of wine out of somewhere…

“Drink.” He said.

“No…” She would never trust him…. And she wanted to be sober when it happened.

He shook his head. Then, after drinking a sip from the glass, he pinched her lips and kissed her… She could feel the wine entering her mouth. It tasted nice… Her first kiss.

Looking at her blushed face the terrorist chuckled.

“Look, I know my charm is affecting you, that’s natural. My attributes are too much for a mortal to handle at a close range…. It’s strange though…” He said… in a very narcissistic way.

“What….?” She didn’t understand what he was saying.

“Now… Where is the painting?” He asked.

“I gave it to a friend.” She said… Why was she answering him?

“Who is this friend?” He asked.

“Connor Morris… He is from Windgate city… He is into art.” She said….. She wanted to shut up, but couldn’t…. She didn’t care about Connor anyway… He might die… She needed to warn him.

“Oh… Is he your boyfriend” He asked.

“Not at all, He wishes. I never even let him touch my hand.” She yelled as if to clarify… Why did she feel the need to do that,

She knew that Connor liked her, but she only considered him a friend… She met him through another friend a few years ago before he left on a scholarship.

“Oh… Are you one of those evil young ladies who manipulate men?” He asked… somewhat disappointed.

“Noooo… I never promise them anything. They just like to pester me… I don’t know why.” She said. She really hated how men kept pestering her when she was young. But when she got older she learned how to use them… Will he hate her for that?.... Why would she care?

“Mmm…” He looked at her with a deepening frown, it was as if he was thinking about something important… She liked that look. It made her feel important….

Suddenly he took out a dagger… will he kill her now? She tried to struggle but the burly man holding her didn’t let her move.

“Don’t move, or it will leave a scar.” The young terrorist said,

What! Will he rip her clothes now? She was still not ready.

To her disappointment, he only used his dagger to swiftly prick her finger and draw some blood onto a leather-bound old book.

He opened it after that and read a few lines.

“Interesting…So that’s it… I didn’t expect that at all…” He said as he smiled at her. “Why did you give Connor the painting?” He asked, raising one eyebrow.

“Ah… I don't know… I really liked it, but when he was helping me unpack my bag, He injured his hand…. So I ran to get a first aid kit….I hate blood the most. And when I returned to the room he was nowhere to be seen, so was the painting.… I knew that he must have ruined it with his blood, I saw its trace in the bag… He must have been very embarrassed, so I called him. He was really troubled and talked funnily. So I told him to keep the painting as a thank you gift for helping me. I didn’t want to embrace him…” She said, That Connor didn’t call her after that… Was he really that embarrassed?

“When was that?” He asked.

“ About two weeks ago.” She said,

“Good…You are not that bad after all it seems… Now, one final question. Do you like me?” He asked.

“Yes…” She blurted out….Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh what was she saying…She just met him… And he is a terrorist. A very hot terrorist.

“I like you too. From now on you will work for me. I will call your father and tell him.” He said suddenly, making her shocked.

“Ahh… What… Do you want to ask for a ransom? Will I be a terrorist too?” She didn't understand what he meant. Is this how terrorists worked now? Would she be trafficked? Would she end up in a life of servitude?... She wouldn't mind if it were him…

“You will know later, Now go to sleep,” He said with a smile, touching her forehead gently.

And with that, she lost consciousness.

“Young master…. You never told me about the paintings…and why do you want to make that girl your maid?” Alex, who was driving, asked… She felt somewhat jealous.

“The painting is a demon possession tool…” Victor said as he watched the road... “You don’t need to worry about it, This would be Alpha’s assignment,” Victor said as he messaged Aria, telling her to find information about Connor Morris… And also to call Monica's father and inform him that he wants her… Her bloodline is very compatible with his… That’s why she turned into a b*tch in heat after meeting him… That was interesting.

“And the girl?” Alex asked again, making Victor smirk.

“She is special. Her bloodline is very compatible with mine.” He said, “I just thought it would be a waste to let it go unused.” He added He would just send her to her father for now… Her opportunistic father would ship her to him later… He was sure.

“Ahh... I see.” Alex said.

“Now, dear Alex… We have to talk about something.” Victor suddenly said in a serious tone.

“What?” Alex asked.

“My father has noted that the maid dress didn’t suit you,” Victor said with a sigh.

“What?” Alex responded.

“Yup… So we have three options… The first one is to make you change course and make you train to be a burly man like the chicks… Nothing that a few bags of specialty protein and a rigorous training routine can’t achieve.” Victor said a nod.

“The other options?” Alex asked… She didn’t want to look like those bald chicks.

“The second option is for you to undergo plastic surgery… We would also convert you to a woman in the process… What do you think?” Victor asked.

“I absolutely refuse.” Alex, who was disturbed by the idea, stated.

“Then the last choice… I will have to make you wear a very skimpy outfit… something that even the sluttiest woman wouldn’t wear. Hopefully, that would make you appear more womanly. ” Victor said with a sigh.

“Ahh… Are there any other options?” Alex asked.

“I can’t think of any. Do you have any ideas?” Victor asked, making Alex want to cry,

”Young master… Can you give me one last chance…. I can make the current disguise work." Alex said with some resolve.

"... I am not sure… But I will just order Margaret to make your skirts a little shorter. If it doesn’t work we would resort to more drastic procedures...." Victor said casually making Alex nod … she has to remove her disguise after all.. sorry father, this is for your daughter’s survival…

Just as Alex was considering what to do. The car was signaled by a police car to stop to the side…

“Why are you stopping them? I thought you were off duty today?” Nicole scolded her daughter...

“Sorry mother, I just saw an acquaintance.” Lea replied, “I will return quickly.” She said as she jumped out of the car making her mother squint her eyes looking at the other car, then quickly followed as she felt her daughter was acting strange. This usually meant trouble.

“Victor, How are you?” Lea asked the handsome guy in the back of the expensive car as she gave the driving maid a weird gaze… Wait, that maid is a guy. What was going on here? An undercover cop? Impossible, no cop dresses like this… or did the police reach a new low.

“Hello, officer Lea. I am doing good….” The handsome young man said with a sigh, “How have you been?” He said with a tired frown… He seemed troubled… so was his driver maid.

“I am great…Did you get my message?” Lea asked in a flirting voice, making Nicole frown… This is the first time she heard her daughter talk to any boy like this. Does she like him?

“Yes…. It made me a little troubled.” He said, making Nicole wonder what kind of message did her daughter send him.

“I noticed that,” Lea said as she looked with a frown at the cross-dressing maid.

What the hell is going on here? Nicole wondered as she saw the lost look in her daughter’s eyes. Did she cause this?... She needed more information. “Hello there, I am Lea’s Mother Nicole.” She said to Victor as she extended her hand to him.

Victor looked at her with surprise then elegantly, and he shook her hand with respect.

“Hello, My name is Victor Von Weise. Nice to meet you. Are you by any chance officer Lea’s older sister?” He said politely… Not bad… Wait… Von Weise?

“I am her mother….Are you Theodore’s son?” She asked. He was a smooth talker like Theodore... and had the same perverted eyes...

“Ahhh…Yes, aunt. Do you happen to know my father?” He asked, making Lea look at her with a strange look that she didn’t care about… This is a mess. This guy is Lea’s half-brother… Did she by any chance develop feelings for her half-brother? Sh*t.

“Yes, I met Theodore a few years ago… A good man.” She said with a sigh, “What do you think of my daughter Lea?” She suddenly asked him. Making Lea, by her side, blushing heavily as she perked her ears… This brat wants to know the answer as well… Good, That means the situation was still salvageable.

“Well… I probably shouldn’t say this, but… I think of officer Lea as a close sister.” Victor said with a smile that Nicole understood, this smile was the thing Theodore did when he revealed a secret. This brat knows… Did Theodore tell him? But looking at the disappointed Lea to her side isn’t this better? Her crazy daughter would not have any other stupid thoughts after this.

“Officer Lea, I am a little busy right now, we will meet later. Nice to meet you Mrs. Nicole.” Victor said politely as he gestured to Alex to start the car.

Lea, who was a little lost, only noticed that Victor had already left when the car was already far away.

“He considers you as a sister, so forget about him,” Nicole said to her daughter.

“Mother you don’t understand… He thinks of all the girls in the world as his sisters…. he is gay…... I will never give up.” Lea said,

Nicole , for the first time in her life, wanted to smack some sense into this stubborn daughter of hers… Maybe she had raised her a little bit wrong.

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