Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

Blackbosses were large monsters that resembled a bear. Their front paws had terrifying destructive power and were covered in thick scales that even Aura Blades found difficult to pierce through, and their claws could release an Aura that was as strong as an Expert-rank knights.

However, their strongest weapon was their charge. Coated with a strong magic force field that not even Aura could penetrate, stopping them on their tracks was difficult even for Master-rank knights. Expert-rank knights would struggle even if they had Chevalier Armor.

We should prioritize deterring the Blackbosses charge. Mu-Gun commented.

Agreed. If they manage to destroy our formation, we would likely find ourselves in deep trouble, Philford commented.

How about we position the Masters up front and have the Experts attack through the gaps?

We only have eight Master-rank knights. I doubt they can stop the Blackbosses by themselves.

I know. Thats why Sir Philford, Lady Camilla, and I will be the ones stopping their initial charge,

That is a good idea. Considering they heavily outnumber us, it would be no exaggeration to say that it is up to you two Grand Masters to stop the Blackbosses, Camilla said.

That applies to you as well, does it not, Lady Camilla? Mu-Gun asked.

Compared to you two, I am a nobody.

What? You do not pale in comparison to a Grand Master, so please dont say that, Philford replied.

Camilla smiled. You praise me too much. I will do my best not to fall behind.

I would like to launch the preliminary attack alone, Mu-Gun volunteered.

Why? Do you have another strategy in mind? Philford asked.

I will break the Blackbosses formation.

How do you plan to do that?

It would be easier to see it for yourself, Mu-Gun replied, stopping Philford from asking any more questions.

The two then briefed the Golden Lion Order and Crimson Dragon Order about the operation. Although they called it an operation, there was nothing special about it.

Eager to defeat the Blackbosses, Schwartz and the four other Masters grew restless. They could not wait to use their newly obtained Chevalier Armor in combat.

It did not take long for their wishes to come true. A group of five-meter Blackbosses approached from the distance, creating quite a daunting sight. With each step they took, the towering beasts made the ground shake.

With the monsters only three hundred feet away, Mu-Gun immediately took to the skies and spread a wave of golden lightning. As soon as they closed the distance to just a hundred feet, he unleashed the Heavenly Thunder Storm Burst.

A thousand Thunderbolt Swords poured down from the sky and onto the Blackbosses. Choosing not to stop their charge, the monsters covered themselves with magic force fields, thinking those would be enough to stop the incoming projectiles.

Contrary to Blackbosses expectations, however, the Thunderbolt Swords were far beyond what their defenses could block. The swords easily tore through the force fields, pierced through the towering Blackbosses, and blew them up. Monster blood and flesh scattered everywhere.

The swords then fired waves of thunder in all directions, sweeping through the Blackbosses that managed to avoid them earlier. The attack temporarily paralyzed the monsters legs, the sudden change in speed sending them twisting and tumbling forward.

With just one Heavenly Thunder Storm Burst, Mu-Gun had effectively massacred a thousand Blackbosses and paralyzed hundreds more.

That was truly amazing. Are all Grand Masters that strong? Camilla asked, clearly in shock.

Not even a Grand Master can pull off something like that, Philford answered.

You mean Lord Argon has reached an even higher rank?

Although it is unprecedented, he may have already reached the God Master Stage.

Do you really think so?

Considering he is Gods representative, it is not entirely impossible.

Hmmm. If Lord Argon has really become a God Master, then we are going to have huge problems once the Demon Gods threat has been eliminated. No one will be able to stop him, Camilla replied, thinking that Pantheon would reign supreme over Avalon after they stopped the Demon God.

The Sky God granted him power to prevent the Demon Gods threat. They will likely reclaim it once he has done his mission, Philford replied. Either way, this is not the time to talk about This. Let us focus on stopping the Blackbosses for now.

Good call. Camilla nodded and began to cast Gravity Press, a Seventh-Circle Magic that could increase the gravitational force in an area, putting immense pressure on anyone inside. If she used all her Mana, she could increase the gravity in a thirty-meter-wide area tenfold, which would be enough to crush even Master-rank knights.

Upon noticing that Camilla had begun casting a spell, Philford summoned his E-Class Chevalier Armor and unsheathed his Chevalier Sword. He then flew toward the Blackbosses at an unbelievable speed. At the same time, he formed an Aura Blade around his weapon, creating an Aura storm so huge it seemed capable of engulfing everything.

As the Aura storm swept past the left flank of the Blackbosses formation, the Blackbosses crouched down and crossed their two front paws, creating magic force fields. Their resistance proved futile, however. The storm lifted the massive monsters into the air and tore them apart, flinging their pieces all over the area.

Having no plans to let up, Philford sent forth more Aura storms, brutally tearing apart the Blackbosses within range. At the same time, Camilla attacked the Blackbosses right flank with Gravity Press, having finished its incantation. Unable to withstand the immense pressure it caused, the spell easily crushed all the monsters that entered its area of effect.

The three slaughtered around two thousand Blackbosses in total. The sight they left behind served as a testament to how powerful Grand Masters and Archmages were.

Over three thousand Blackbosses remainedfar too many for the Golden Lion Order and Crimson Dragon Order to handle themselves. Hence, Mu-Gun used the Heavenly Thunder Storm Burst again, killing a thousand and paralyzing hundreds more. As Philfords Aura storms continued to lay waste to the Blackbosses left flank, Camilla cast Gravity Press again, crushing hundreds of Blackbosses. Soon, only a thousand were left, which was still quite a lot but nothing two Knight Orders could not handle.

Having been waiting for this moment, Schwartz and the four other Masters put on their Chevalier Armor and rushed toward the monsters. The Crimson Dragon Orders Master-rank knights followed suit, wearing Chevalier Armor that looked completely different from the Golden Lion Knights.

Emphasizing different traits, the Golden Lion Knights Chevalier Armor had a sleek shape since they focused on speed and agility, while the Crimson Dragon Knights had a relatively bulky one because they focused on solidifying their defenses. Since their effectiveness varied depending on the situation and the knights abilities, it was hard to determine which was better. However, The Crimson Knight Orders Chevalier Armor was more effective in stopping the Blackbosses charge.

With the Expert Knights following closely behind them, the Master-rank Knights rushed into the middle of the Blackbosses formation and launched a barrage of attacks, the Auras sweeping through them like waves. The Blackbosses leading the charge were flung back and sent crashing against those behind them.

The Master-rank knights could not hold them all off, however. Those out of their range quickly rushed toward their flanks. Their aggressive charge and the magic force field covering them created quite a daunting sight.

In response, the Master-rank knights quickly split off into two groups and bombarded the Blackbosses flanking them with Aura. The attacks blasted the monsters away and tangled them up with each other.

As the Master-rank knights blocked and broke the formation of the monsters rushing head-on, the Expert Knights ran forward and attacked the Blackbosses rolling on the ground.

Dozens of Blackbosses tried to get up and raise their front paws to defend themselves. Considering that the thick scales around their paws could deflect even Aura Blades, Expert-rank Knights could never pierce through their defenses even if they were wearing Chevalier Armor.

However, many knights were attacking the monsters. Even if their paws were impregnable, they were not big enough to completely cover them. Aiming for undefended parts, the knights Aura penetrated the Blackbosses hearts and heads.

Having killed their targets, the Expert-rank knights retreated instead of being greedy to achieve more. The Blackbosses in the back chased after them, but the Master-rank Knights stopped them with Aura.

After the Master-rank knights broke the Blackbosses formation, the Expert Knights quickly headed to the front and finished off the monsters. It was a simple offensive tactic that heavily relied on the Master-rank knights but brought impeccable results. If they failed to stop the charge or break their formation, the results could have been different.

The Blackbosses did not just blindly rush in either. Planning to leave the Master-rank knights behind and take down the Expert-rank knights in the back, they used their brains to inform the others and hit areas that the Master-rank knights could not defend.

However, the Blackbosses failed to take into account Mu-Gun and Philford. The two closely monitored the situation, eliminating anything that tried to slip past the Master-rank knights. Their presence on the battlefield allowed the Golden Lion Order and Crimson Dragon Order to launch a powerful offense without worrying about enemies coming from their rear.

The knights orderly attacks quickly reduced the Blackbosses numbers, eventually wiping them out.

The Golden Lion Order and Crimson Dragon Order hugged each other and basked in the joy of their triumph. They suffered less than twenty casualties compared to the enemys five thousand.

Thanks to Mu-Gun, their long battle resulted in a perfect victory.

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