Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

On behalf of the Kraiss Kingdoms many citizens, I would like to thank you, Lord Argon. Because of you, we defeated the Blackbosses with almost no casualties.

Philford respectfully bowed at Mu-Gun.

I just did what was right."

Gods representative truly is different. If you dont mind, I would like to have a drink with you tonight. Camilla gazed at Mu-Gun seductively, finding him very charming. Not only was Argon extremely good-looking, but he was also young and strong. Moreover, being Gods representative set him apart from others.

Camilla was quite open to sleeping with men. If she liked someone and their feelings were mutual, she would be more than willing to sleep with them. Many of those she had slept with were young men like Mu-Gunor Argon in this case. The twenty-year age gap was not a hindrance to her at all.

Mu-Gun smirked when he noticed the temptation in Camillas eyes. Camilla was very beautiful and looked so young that her age didnt seem to match. Most men would find it hard to resist her allure.

For a brief moment, Mu-Gun found himself considering the thought of making love to her, but he shook his head just as quickly. Her feelings were nothing but a primal desire. It had nothing to do with love.

Mu-Gun came here to carry out his mission as an incarnation, not to satiate his lust. More importantly, Dan Seol-Young and Namgung Hyun-Ah were waiting for him back in the Central Plains. They were probably worried sick.

I will just settle with accepting your feelings. The Kraiss Kingdom is not the only place under the monsters threat, Mu-Gun answered.

Youre planning to go to another kingdom?

As Gods representative, I will run wherever the Demon Gods threat is.

Although you truly are amazing, Lord Argon, even you would find it difficult to stop the Demon God alone, Philford said.

That goes without saying. All the nations of Avalon will have to join forces to stop the Demon God. Speaking of which, I would like you two to make efforts in convincing the Kraiss Kingdom to join the Anti-Demon God Alliance.

The Anti-Demon God Alliance? Camilla asked.

As its name suggests, it is an alliance created to stop the Demon God, Mu-Gun explained. The Pantheon Kingdom will lead it. When the time comes, I hope the Kraiss Kingdom joins us.

I see what you are trying to do, but we do not have the authority to make decisions like that. The best I can do is convince His Majesty about why the Anti-Demon God Alliance is necessary.

Thank you.

I am not sure if the Pamar Empire will view the Anti-Demon God Alliance in good light.

Is it because the Pantheon Kingdom will be leading it instead of them? Mu-Gun asked.

Yes. A citizen of the Pantheon Kingdom becoming the Sky Gods representative will probably incur their ire, Camilla answered. They will also likely worry that the Pantheon Kingdom would gain supremacy over Avalon. They might even try to harm you.

There is a chance they will try to recruit you as well, Philford added.

Camilla nodded in agreement. It is certainly possible. What do you think, Lord Argon? If the Pamar Empire tries to bring you to their side, will you accept their offer?

The only one I serve is Yupir, the Sky God, Mu-Gun answered.

Does that mean you will not serve the Pantheon Kingdom either? Camilla stared at Mu-Gun with a surprised look.

My mission is to protect Avalon from the Demon God. I am not obliged to give any nation supremacy over the Avalon Continent.

Judging from your expression, you do not seem to be lying, which is quite a relief for us. It would have been very troublesome if you led the Pantheon Kingdom to supremacy over Avalon.

As I have already mentioned, supremacy over Avalon is not important right now. If we cannot stop the Demon God, then forget supremacy. Avalon itself will be wiped off the planet. Everyone should set aside their affiliations and join forces.

Listening to you makes me feel ashamed for focusing on the Kraiss Kingdom instead of the bigger picture. If you would have me, I would like to use this opportunity to join you in your great cause, Philford requested.

Mu-Guns eyes widened. Camilla also looked surprised.

Sir Philford! Does that mean you are vacating your position as our Knight Orders captain? Camilla frantically asked.

Yes. Until we have put an end to the threat of the Demon God, I will be a knight of Avalon, not of the Kraiss Kingdom.

His Majesty will never allow this.

Then I will lay everything I have on the line to become a free knight.

In principle, a knight belonging to a nation could never change their affiliation due to their pledge of allegiance. However, they were allowed to live as a free knightone who did not belong anywherefor as long as they gave up everything they received in return for their loyalty.

Why are you willing to go that far? Camilla asked.

Protecting Avalon is the same as protecting the Kraiss Kingdom. To fight the Demon God, we should not be half-hearted or restrained to any affiliation. Our sole focus should be on our battle against them. Hence, for the time being, I want to keep the Kraiss Kingdom out of my mind.

Camilla was speechless. Philford seemed so determined that he gave no room for persuasion. Hence, she decided to respect his wishes. As she backed away after giving up on persuading Philford, Mu-Gun answered to Philfords request.

As Camilla backed off, Mu-Gun answered Philfords request, Your determination is truly great, Sir Philford. It would be an honor to have you by my side.

I am the one who should be honored. After all, I have now become one of the knights who protects Avalon with you, Gods representative.

The history of Avalon will praise your noble spirit, Sir Philford.

Avalons history, huh? I am looking forward to it. Philford grinned.

Mu-Gun smiled in response. Philford, the greatest knight of the Kraiss Kingdom, had become his companion. However, that was not all.

We wish to go with you, Captain.

Please give us your permission.

The Crimson Dragon Orders Master-rank knights requested to join Philford as well. Philford disapproved of it. If they too left their post, the Kraiss Kingdom would be weakened far too much. They had to stay behind and protect their nation.

No. I want you to stay here and protect the kingdom. We cannot allow the Kraiss Kingdom to weaken so much that it would fall after doing our best to protect Avalon.


In your stead, Captain, we will protect the kingdom with our lives.

The three heeded Philfords instructions.

Do you find it a pity that I did not accept them? Philford asked.

No. Although protecting Avalon should be our priority, the Kraiss Kingdoms safety is also important.

Thank you for understanding. Are we heading to the next kingdom immediately?

Yes. It is our best course of action. The more we delay, the more damage there will be.

I understand. Let me seek an audience with His Majesty and convey my intentions to him first. Please wait a moment.

I will be waiting at the portal, ready to head out as soon as you are done, Mu-Gun said. He then turned to Camilla. Will that be alright?

What is the point of asking when you have already made a promise to each other? Camilla asked, baffled. Lets go. I will have everything prepared so you can teleport as soon as Sir Philford arrives.

Thank you.

I will be right over after meeting His Majesty.

Philford headed to the palace to seek an audience with the King. Meanwhile, Mu-Gun, Camille, and the Golden Lion Order headed to the portal.

Philford returned from the palace two hours later. Undaunted by the repeated persuasion and pleas of King Kraiss III, it seemed he was granted permission to take a leave of absence from his position as the Crimson Dragon Orders Captain, allowing him to move freely.

After he joined up with Mu-Gun and the Golden Lion Order, they waited for another two hours before they could cross over to the Delphinia Kingdom. It was one of the two kingdoms neighboring the Anders Mountain Range, which was to the east of the continent.

After hearing that Mu-Gun and the Golden Lion Order had wiped out the monsters that invaded the Pantheon and Kraiss Kingdoms, the Delphinia Kingdom immediately opened and connected their portal to Kraiss Kingdoms to allow them passage.

The Whiteligers, the monsters terrorizing the Delphinia Kingdom, advanced from four different directions, laying waste to several fiefs and effectively surrounding the kingdoms royal capital. They were just right around the corner now.

They numbered slightly over a thousand, which was quite small compared to the Wolfkans and Blackbosses, but they were far stronger. Alone, a Whiteliger could take down ten Wolfkans or five Blackbosses, which meant a thousand were comparable to five thousand Blackbosses or ten thousand Wolfkans.

The Whiteliger Alphas were even more dangerous. Their special ability, the Howl of Madness, doubled the strength of the forces they commanded for five minutes. However, after that, it rapidly depleted their stamina and rendered them unable to fight for the next ten minutes.

Even so, it still served as the Whiteligers most powerful weapon. After all, all they had to do was annihilate their enemies before they suffered from the abilitys fatal flaw.

The Whiteligers were already so powerful as it was that only Distinguished Experts and higher-ranked knights stood a chance against them. With their combat power doubled, it would take at least a Master-rank knight to deal with them.

Although the solution seemed simple, Avalon had less than a hundred Master-rank knights. Except for the Pamar Empire, no other nation was capable of defeating the Whiteligers under the effect of the Howl of Madness.

The Delphinia Kingdom was no different. Their forces paled in comparison to the incoming threat. Hence, all they could do was tremble in fear as the monsters invasion destroyed their lands and surrounded them.

In the midst of that, Mu-Gun, who identified himself as Gods representative, volunteered to support them. They were taken aback at first, but when they heard the news that Mu-Gun and the Golden Lion Order had wiped out the Wolfkans and Blackbosses, the Delphinia Kingdom allowed their entry.

As Mu-Gun, Philford, and the Golden Lion Order entered the Delphinia Kingdom, Blue Dragon Order Captain Denion LaMarcia, Head Wizard Fasar Alcantor, and the Yupir Churchs Cardinal Janzac Del Marzio came out to greet them.

Fasar, who was wearing a blue robe, respectfully greeted Mu-Gun and his party. Well met. I am Fasar Alcantor, a court wizard of the Delphinia Kingdom. On behalf of His Majesty, I welcome you to our nation. Before we proceed, I would like to express my unbounded gratitude for volunteering to save Delphinia.

It surprises me that such high-ranking people have come out to welcome us. I am Argon Laonia Venatia, the representative of Sky God Yupir, Mu-Gun replied. The man next to me is I believe it would be better for him to introduce himself.

Nice to meet you. I am Philford Excelsior.

The captain of the Kraiss Kingdoms Crimson Dragon Order? Denison asked. He had quite a huge frame and a greatsword hanging on his back.

Yes. I have momentarily left my position to help Lord Argon protect Avalon from the Demon God, Philford replied.

So it is true that the Demon God has descended, after all?

How else can we explain the current behavior of the Whiteligers and other monsters of Avalons great mountains? Considering Sky God Yupir has personally told Lord Argon about it, it cannot be anything but the undeniable truth.

Everyones eyes turned to Mu-Gun.

Mu-Gun nodded. It is as you heard. The Demon God has descended.

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