Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 254

Chapter 254

Upon receiving news in the Kraiss Kingdom about the Drake pack descending the Alfne Mountain Range, Mu-Gun's party swiftly journeyed there. Entering the Harens Gorge, they arrived just in time to witness the ongoing conflict between the Alfne expedition squad and the Drake pack.

Aligned with the High Elves, Mu-Gun advanced towards the gorge's center, where the battle unfolded. Utilizing wind spirits for flight, Mu-Gun and the High Elves swiftly traversed the gorge. Reaching the battleground, Mu-Gun was astonished to find Wyverns descending in abundance from the opposite side of the sky.

Mu-Gun spoke to the High Elves following behind him, I will deal with the Wyverns. Then he flew straight to where the Wyverns were.

The Wyverns on the other side numbered at least a hundred. The High Elves doubted Mu-Gun's ability to confront such a formidable force alone. However, witnessing Mu-Gun's unleashed attacks dispelled their apprehensions entirely.

Transforming into a colossal wind giant standing over ten meters tall, Mu-Gun extended both hands toward the Wyverns. Subsequently, a massive thunderstorm materialized, advancing toward the approaching Wyvern horde.

The thunderstorm emanated from the ultimate skill of the Wind Spirit King Nervatum, a windstorm infused with the Thunder God Qi. The collaborative might of the two divine entities generated an immense force, potent enough to blanket the entire sky.

The Wyverns approaching from the opposite side were thrown into disarray by the all-encompassing thunderstorm, hastily opening their mouths to release a Flame Breath. The collision between the Flame Breaths and the thunderstorm echoed explosively across the sky. The combined force of a hundred Wyverns simultaneously unleashing their Flame Breaths was formidable enough to obliterate a mountain.

Yet, the might of the Flame Breaths paled in comparison to the thunderstorm, infused with the power of the two divine entities. The thunderstorm dispersed the Flame Breaths, advancing with force, sweeping over the Wyverns. Terrified, the Wyverns attempted to scatter and escape, but the thunderstorm swiftly engulfed them, leaving them with no escape.

The Wyverns caught in the thunderstorm tried their best to get out of the thunderstorm somehow, but it was to no avail. Trapped in the thunderstorm, the Wyverns bodies were soon twisted, torn, and ripped to shreds. When the thunderstorm subsided, there were no more signs of the Wyverns left behind.

The paladins and knights, observing the spectacle from beneath the gorge, stood in awe. They found it hard to fathom that Mu-Gun had effortlessly eradicated a hundred Wyverns, leaving not a single trace, using just a solitary thunderstorm. The extraordinary sight they witnessed left them dumbfounded, as the reality seemed almost unbelievable even in the flesh.

The High Elves of the Ice Elves tribe were even more astounded. They came to the realization that the wind giant merging with Mu-Gun was none other than Nervatum, the Wind Spirit King. The appearance of the Spirit Kings in the world had been an unprecedented event for hundreds of years.

Despite the extraordinary event, the Spirit King manifested in the world through a contractual agreement. What struck the High Elves even more was that this connection was forged with a human, not one of their kind. The High Elves couldn't help but be profoundly astonished.

Simultaneously, the Wind Elves tribe's High Elves, accompanying Mu-Gun, joined forces with the Ice Elves tribe's High Elves to assail the Drake pack. The cooperative assault, combining the ice dragons from the Ice Elves with the whirlwinds from the Wind Elves, left the Drake pack helpless against the onslaught.

Primarily, the Drakes faced constraints in their movement due to the challenging topography, which significantly impacted their abilities. Trapped within the confined space of the gorge, the Drakes struggled to maneuver effectively. In contrast, the Wind High Elves, leveraging their ability to fly with the aid of wind spirits, gained a strategic advantage in movement and launched a decisive offensive.

Consequently, the Drakes found themselves compelled to concentrate on thwarting the assaults from the Wind Elves, while the Ice Elves and human knights seized the opportunities created and launched their own attacks. The Drakes, relying on their robust defense, withstood the onslaught from both Elves and humans.

Yet, they eventually succumbed to the relentless barrage. The Drakes fell consecutively to the joint assault from the Elves and the human knights, who capitalized on the momentum and systematically eliminated every Drake.

With the eradication of the Wyverns and Drakes, the Avalon Knights and the paladins arrived at the battleground belatedly. As they surveyed the aftermath and realized the battle had concluded, expressions of apology crossed their faces.

After the battle, Mu-Gun went back down to the gorge, and Denion thanked Mu-Gun with an overwhelmed expression, Thank you. Thanks to you, we were saved.

Im glad I wasnt too late. Thank you all for your hard work.

Kamel approached Mu-Gun and spoke, You are that famous Sky Gods representative, huh? Indeed, you are amazing as the rumor says.

"I apologize, but without sufficient insight, I don't seem to recognize you," Mu-Gun calmly responded.

I am Kamel Schwarz, the man leading the Silver Dragon Order of the Britia Kingdom.

Ah, you are Knight Captain Kamel. I have heard a lot about your fame. It is an honor to meet you. Mu-Gun greeted politely.

What honor is it to meet the Knight Captain of a kingdom? Rather, it is an honor for me to meet the Sky God Yupirs representative, who will save Avalon.

Even if I am Yupirs representative, I cannot save Avalon on my own. All the people of Avalon, including those present here, must save it together.

Still, arent you, the Sky God Yupir, the one who can defeat the Demon God in the end? Of course, I, too, will do everything in my power to save Avalon. Kamel said firmly.

As long as there is someone like Captain Kamel around, we will definitely be able to protect Avalon.

As Mu-Gun exchanged greetings with Kamel, Fraus, the chief of the Wind Elves, and Olaf, the chief of the Ice Elves, also acknowledged each other. Elves in the Avalon continent typically confined themselves within their mountain ranges, resulting in limited interactions between the different Elven tribes.

Despite their physical separation, news about each other circulated through the spirits. While Fraus and Olaf had never encountered each other in person, their acquaintance through shared knowledge likely contributed to their mutual delight upon their first meeting.

By the way, its amazing that the Wind Spirit King signed a contract with a human being, and not an elf, said Olaf, pointing to Mu-Gun.

That is how great the Sky God Yupirs representative is. Also, I have a favor to ask the Ice Elves tribe regarding that.

What is it?

I hope that you will allow Yupirs representative to contract with Eladium, the Ice Spirit King.

He contracted the Wind Spirit King already but wants to sign another contract with the Ice Spirit King? Thats ridiculous. Theres never been a single person who signed a contract with Spirit Kings of two different elements, Olaf said.

"I share the same sentiment. Perhaps it's plausible because he serves as Yupir's representative. More importantly, the Spirit Kings might be willing to set aside their principles and form a contract with Yupir's envoy to thwart the Demon God's descent into Avalon. In any case, there's nothing to lose. I really hope you arrange for him to attempt this," Fraus implored.

To be honest, I do not like it very much that a human is trying to sign a contract with a Spirit King when the Elves cant even do so.

"As an Elf, it does wound my pride. Nevertheless, this is not the moment to be entangled in matters of pride. If we fail to halt the Demon God, Avalon faces annihilation, and the Elf tribes would be eradicated as well. It irks me that he isn't an Elf, but if someone, regardless of their species, can wield the power of the Spirit King to quell the Demon God, isn't that sufficient?"

Contemplating Fraus' words, Olaf took a moment before responding, "You speak the truth. This is no moment to bicker over Elven pride. Instead, we should exhaust every effort to safeguard Avalon."

As expected, you are wise.

"I am not the wise one; you are. Without your words, I would have clung stubbornly to the belief that only Elves could form contracts with Spirit Kings. I might not have given Yupir's representative the chance."

You are wiser for listening to me and immediately realizing what was important. Fraus praised Olaf.

Haha, lets stop. We will be a laughing stock if someone sees us.

I know, right?

Fraus and Olaf exchanged awkward smiles and ceased their mutual praise. Without delay, Fraus summoned Mu-Gun and introduced him to Olaf. After exchanging greetings with Mu-Gun, Olaf conveyed his willingness to assist Mu-Gun in forming a contract with the Ice Spirit King Eladium.

Thank you. I will repay your grace by eradicating the Demon God and protecting Avalon.

Please do that.

With Olaf's approval, Mu-Gun, accompanied by the High Elves from both tribes, proceeded to the frozen lake where the Ice Elves resided.

Except for Mu-Gun, the remaining members joined the Alfe Mountain Range's expedition squad in heading to the Kraiss Kingdom. Their goal was to assess the situation in the other two mountain ranges and strategize their next moves.

* * *

Upon assessing the situation in the Kraiss Kingdom, it became apparent that the conditions in the Logan and Anders Mountain Ranges, involving the Pamar Empire, were equally challenging. Despite the involvement of the Pamar Empire's Grand Masters, their skills fell short of the remarkable prowess displayed by Mu-Gun.

Thankfully, with the assistance of the Fire Elves from the Logan Mountain Range and the Earth Elves from the Anders Mountain Range, the expedition squad managed to somehow eliminate the Drakes. However, their success was limited. When faced with the Wyverns, neither the Grand Masters nor the Elves could land a significant blow.

Fortunately, the Paladins from the Yupir Church managed to pose a threat to the Wyverns with attacks using Yupir's Thunderbolt Sword. However, their strength alone was insufficient to bring down the Wyverns. Their only recourse was to somehow fend off the Wyverns' assaults and attempt to drive them away. This was feasible primarily due to the Wyverns' numbers not exceeding twenty.

Had more than a hundred Wyverns, akin to those encountered in the Patagon and Alfne Mountain Ranges, been present, the expedition squad would have faced inevitable annihilation. In contrast to the Patagon and Alfne Mountain Ranges, the Wyverns in the Logan and Anders Mountain Ranges refrained from launching large-scale assaults. This was due to the Wyverns having different objectives beyond targeting the expedition squad.

The Wyverns had set their sights on none other than the Valencia Kingdom and the Albion Kingdom. Instead of solely targeting the expedition squad, the Wyverns engaged in coordinated attacks on the Valencia and Albion Kingdoms, organizing in packs of ten to twenty. The territories of these two kingdoms found themselves defenseless against the sudden and unexpected assaults from the Wyverns.

The onslaught of Wyverns left a trail of devastation through the territories of both kingdoms, transforming the regions they traversed into literal lands of death where not a single living creature remained.

The Wyverns advanced towards the capitals of the two kingdoms, laying waste to the territories they traversed. The Valencia Kingdom and the Albion Kingdom lacked the necessary strength to halt the onslaught of the Wyvern quiver.

This predicament arose because they had deployed all their elite knights to the Logan and Anders Mountain Ranges. While the Magic Corps still remained, it was beyond their capabilities to single-handedly thwart the Wyverns.

The expedition squad inside the Logan and Anders Mountain Ranges urgently sought assistance, but the descent from the mountain range consumed precious time. Compounding the issue, the persistent Wyvern quiver remaining within the mountain range launched frequent attacks on the expedition squad, hindering their progress.

The Avalon Knights, the Yupir Church's paladins and priests, along with the knights from the three kingdoms, congregated at the Christ Kingdom and reached a consensus to aid the Valencia and Albion Kingdoms. Subsequently, they organized their forces and dispatched them to the respective capitals of the Valencia Kingdom and the Albion Kingdom. The reinforcements were warmly welcomed by the beleaguered kingdoms.

Despite the relief at the arrival of reinforcements, a tinge of disappointment lingered when the residents of the Valencia and Albion Kingdoms noticed the absence of Yupir's representative and the Elves among the arriving forces.

Bellion Ishmael, the head wizard of the Valencia Kingdom, inquired of Philford, who had brought half of the Avalon Knights to their aid,

"Did Yupir's representative and the Elves not arrive together?"

Philford could discern from Bellion's expression that he harbored doubts about the sufficiency of the Avalon Knights alone.

"The Avalon Order was personally established by Young Lord Argon, the representative of the Sky God Yupir. Additionally, the Yupir Church's paladins and priests accompanying us are those who have pledged themselves to Young Lord Argon's cause. Even if we may not completely vanquish the Wyverns, we can certainly fend them off until Young Lord Argon and the Elves arrive. If you harbor any doubts, please inform us. We are more than willing to withdraw."

Bellion swiftly altered his demeanor, apprehensive that Philford and the knights might consider withdrawing, "Of course not. I trust you. Please, protect our capital from the Wyverns. I implore you."

We will do our best.

Philford, the other Avalon Knights, and the paladins wore content smiles as Bellion shifted his stance and implored their assistance.

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