Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

Nestled within the heart of the Alfne Mountain Range, a frozen lake graced the summit of a steeply inclined peak. This particular lake boasted an unusual characteristicit remained frozen throughout the entire year.

Within the vast expanse of the frozen lake, Eladium, the slumbering Ice Spirit King, lay in repose. To be exact, this location served as a nexus to the Spirit Realm, a domain inhabited by various ice spirits, including Eladium himself. Regardless, anyone seeking to forge a pact with the Ice Spirit King had to traverse the icy depths of the frozen lake.

Upon reaching the frozen lake, the Ice High Elves promptly commenced preparations for the Spirit Contract Ritual. Amidst the ritual arrangements, Mu-Gun, attuned to the whispers of the wind spirits, took a moment to gauge the circumstances unfolding in the Valencia Kingdom and the Albion Kingdom. After careful consideration, he concluded that relying solely on the Avalon Knights and the paladins might prove challenging in thwarting the Wyverns. Turning to Fraus, Mu-Gun inquired whether he would lend his assistance and take the lead in aiding the two kingdoms.

With enthusiasm, Fraus accepted Mu-Guns plea and promptly organized his followers into two separate contingents, directing them to both the Valencia Kingdom and the Albion Kingdom. Meanwhile, Mu-Gun, bolstered by the additional support of the Wind Elves, delved into the task of absorbing the Mana Hearts of the Wyverns. Steadfastly, Mu-Gun continued this absorption process, steadily accumulating the Mana Hearts from both the Drakes and the Wyverns.

Within the Mana Hearts of the Drakes and Wyverns lay an abundance exceeding ten gapjas[1] of energy, and the only way to absorb this energy was to remove the demonic nature and purify it with the Thunder God Qi.

Yet, the bounty of Mana Hearts surpassed a singular count. Mu-Gun, over time, assimilated not just ten, but an amalgamation of Mana Hearts from Drakes and Wyverns. Consequently, the reservoir of Mu-Gun's internal energy approached nearly thirty gapjas. Such a magnitude of internal energy exceeded the limits of a human vessel, challenging the bounds of containment within his bodily form.

Nonetheless, Mu-Gun, having attained the Origin Spirit State and ascended to divinity, possessed the capacity to contain an infinite reservoir of internal energy. His internal energy resembled an ever-flowing spring, replenishing itself effortlessly. Mu-Gun found himself in a state where he could recover internal energy in surplus compared to the amount expended, rendering the acquisition of additional internal energy unnecessary.

However, this exceptional circumstance applied solely to the realm of martial arts. Having forged a pact with the Wind Spirit King Nervatum, Mu-Gun encountered a contrasting scenario. To summon and harness Nervatum's power, a substantial amount of internal energy was destined to be expended. Furthermore, Mu-Gun harbored the intention to establish a contract with the Ice Spirit King Eladium, adding a layer to his energy considerations.

Should Mu-Gun proceed to form a pact with Eladium, the demand for internal energy would skyrocket beyond his current reserves. Furthermore, contemplating the possibility, albeit uncertain, of entering contracts with all four Spirit Kings suggested an exponential surge in the requisite internal energy. Undeterred, Mu-Gun persisted in augmenting his internal energy, diligently preparing for the eventual culmination of these contractual endeavors.

As Mu-Gun absorbed the Mana Heart of a Wyvern, the Ice High Elves diligently finalized the Spirit Summoning Array on the frozen lake. Upon completion, they beckoned Mu-Gun to join them. Approaching the frozen lake, Mu-Gun beheld a vast hexagonal magic circle etched onto the icy surface. Positioned at each vertex of the circle stood a staff adorned with a spirit stone, enhancing the mystique of the arcane arrangement.

This configuration bore a striking resemblance to the Spirit Summoning Array witnessed at the Valley of the Wind.

Since youve already gone through a Spirit Contract Ritual, I dont have to explain it again to you, right? Olaf asked.

Thats right, Mu-Gun answered and went to the center of the Spirit Summoning Array.

Then, we will proceed with the ritual.

I will leave it in your good hands.

Olaf and the other Ice High Elves positioned their hands upon each staff stationed at the six vertices of the magic circle, infusing them with their spiritual energy. As the spirit stones adorning the staffs radiated luminance, their light diffused into the intricate patterns of the Spirit Summoning Array, illuminating the surrounding sky with a brilliant azure hue.

Subsequently, through the activated Spirit Summoning Array, the gateway to the Spirit Realm swung open, establishing a conduit between the Spirit Realm and the Middle Realm. Mu-Gun extended his consciousness into the Spirit Realm, engaging in dialogue with the spirits through the Language of the Gods.

[It may be impudent of me, but I sincerely wish to eradicate the Demon God with the Ice Spirit King Eladium.]

Mu-Gun invoked the presence of the Ice Spirit King, Eladium, with a resounding call. Without delay, a substantial surge of energy cascaded forth from the Spirit Realm.

A surge of cold qi, capable of enveloping everything in an icy embrace, coalesced above Mu-Gun's head. Subsequently, an awe-inspiring ice giant materialized, standing at an impressive ten meters in height. The colossal figure took on the ethereal likeness of a woman, captivating Mu-Gun with the breathtaking beauty sculpted from ice.

I, Argon, the Sky God Yupirs representative, greet the Ice Spirit King Eladium.

The Ice Spirit King Eladium asked in a cold voice, -Putting aside your position as the Sky God Yupirs representative, why is the contractor of the Wind Spirit King Nervatum looking for me?

I summoned you because I want to sign a contract with you, Eladium.

-Youve already signed a contract with the Wind Spirit King, and now you also want to become my contractor. Youre being too greedy, said Eladium, smiling cynically.

Im not being greedy, but rather, I am desperate. As the Sky God Yupirs representative, I must eradicate the Demon God. However, it is impossible to extinguish the Demon God with my current capabilities. That is why I want to borrow the power of the Great Spirit Kings.

-Thats true, you dont look strong enough to deal with the Demon God.

Yes. So, please help me and lend me your strength, Eladium.

-However, there has never been a precedent in which the Spirit Kings share the same contractor in the Spirit Realm. We cannot break the tradition of the Spirit Realm.

With all due respect, the almighty Spirit God Vahara will prioritize the eradication of the Demon God over anything else. I think that to eradicate the Demon God, we must also boldly break the traditions of the past.

-Still, we must avoid gathering the power of the Spirit God in a single person. What more if that person is a human being, a species greedier than any other species?

The Spirit God Vahara would definitely not want the Spirit Kings to sit by and watch the advent of the Demon God without doing anything.

-How impertinent!

Currently, the Spirit Kings are not attending to the duties given to them by the Spirit God. This is going against the will of the Spirit God. Mu-Gun said without backing down to Eladiums yell.

-Who did you say is going against the almighty Vaharas will? I havent signed a contract for hundreds of years because a qualified person had yet to appear. If someone qualified to sign a contract with me appears, I will gladly sign a contract and carry out the mission given by Vahara, said Eladium, feeling accused at Mu-Guns remarks.

"Given the circumstances, it's all the more reason for you to enter a contract with me. In Avalon, I stand as the most proficient wielder of your powers. If there exists a contractor more exceptional than myself, I encourage you to align with them. My sole objective is to harness the Spirit Kings' might to vanquish the Demon God, with no desire to amass their powers for personal gain."

-You are arrogant, but it is a truth I cannot deny.

"Let me emphasize once more, that my singular goal in seeking the power of the Spirit Kings is to confront and defeat the Demon God that has descended upon Avalon. Eladium, it is also your duty, in alignment with the will of the Spirit God Vahara, to safeguard Avalon from the menace of the Demon God. However, the adversary's strength surpasses our capabilities. We must unite our strengths. As the representative of the Sky God Yupir, I propose a formidable alliance. Together, with the might of the Spirit Kings, we can stand against the Demon God and emerge victorious. Therefore, I formally request, Eladium, that you enter into a contract with me and grant me the power needed to vanquish the Demon God."

-I can feel your sincerity. It looks like the Sky God Yupir has chosen a good representative. As you said, I will sign a contract with you.

Perhaps because Mu-Guns desperate feelings were conveyed, Eladium changed its mind and decided to sign a contract with him.

Are you serious?

-As you mentioned, no one can use the power I have as well as you can, and your feelings of wanting to protect Avalon are also praiseworthy. Thus, I am willing to sign a contract with you. So, please dont disappoint me.

Of course, I wont. Also, thank you for making such a difficult decision.

-Enough with the greetings, lets sign a contract right away.


Without hesitation, Eladium promptly initiated the contract, and Mu-Gun, in turn, forged a pact with Eladium. This groundbreaking agreement marked Mu-Gun as the first individual in the annals of the Spirit Realm to enter contracts with two Spirit Kings simultaneously.

"Hoh, I must admit, I didn't anticipate this, but it's genuinely astonishing that you managed to forge a contract with the mighty Eladium," Olaf exclaimed in disbelief.

Its all thanks to you and the Ice High Elves.

"No, it wasn't us. We merely created the opportunity. Eladium chose you because of your capabilities. Regardless, congratulations are in order. You stand as the sole individual to have ever entered contracts with two Spirit Kings. Moreover, we hope that you'll succeed in securing contracts with the remaining two Spirit Kings as well."

Thank you. Also, as you already know, the Valencia and Albion Kingdoms are under attack by Wyverns. I hope the Ice Elves can help with this.

Of course we can. What should we do? From now on, we, the Ice Elves, will follow you.


The Ice Spirit King Eladium, who we serve, has chosen you. Wouldnt following you mean that we are following Eladium?

Thank you. It will be a great help if the Ice Elves join our cause.

So, what should we do?

I will head to the Kingdom of Valencia, so I hope the Ice Elves can go and support the Albion Kingdom, Mu-Gun said.

Well do that then. Olaf gladly accepted.

We are running out of time, we must hurry.


Then, I will get going first.

Departing from the frozen lake, Mu-Gun journeyed to the Kraiss Kingdom. Employing the Thunder God's Shadow, he swiftly reached the Naphthal fief, situated beside the Alfne Mountain Range. Utilizing a portal within the fief, Mu-Gun traversed to the capital of the Kraiss Kingdom. Subsequently, he accessed the central portal there, enabling him to teleport directly to the capital of the Valencia Kingdom.

The Ice Elves made their way to the Naphthal fief, riding atop an ice dragon crafted from the very essence of the ice spirits. Employing a portal within the fief, they seamlessly transitioned to the capital of the Kraiss Kingdom. Continuing their journey, they accessed another portal, allowing them to swiftly travel to the capital of the Albion Kingdom.

* * *

In the capital of the Valencia Kingdom, a coalition force comprised of half the Avalon Knights, the Crimson Dragon Order from the Kraiss Kingdom, the Silver Dragon Order from the Britia Kingdom, the paladins and priests of the Yupir Church, and the Wind Elves who hastened as reinforcements from the frozen lake in the Alfne Mountain Range, congregated upon the outer walls.

Their gathering in the capital of the Valencia Kingdom served a singular purposeto halt the relentless onslaught of Wyvern attacks.

Amid their preparations, a colossal horde of Wyverns emerged from the southern horizon, blotting the sky as they advanced towards the outer walls of the capital. Their numbers appeared to surpass a hundred, presenting a formidable aerial onslaught.

Hmm, would it be possible to stop them with our forces?

Upon witnessing the swarm of over a hundred Wyverns, Paladin Rood's countenance tightened. In the absence of Mu-Gun, who would have instilled confidence, an air of concern permeated the scene.

How long do you think it will take Lord Argon to complete the Spirit Contract Ritual? Philford asked Alicia.

The Spirit Contract Ritual itself is quite instant. The problem is how long it takes to complete the Spirit Summoning Array required for the Spirit Contract Ritual.

So, how long does that take? asked Philford, implying that time was of the essence.

Well, if they hurry, it might already be over by now. But I cant be sure since I didnt see it myself.

Though you cant be certain, theres also a possibility that he will rush over here after completing the Spirit Contract Ritual then.

Thats certainly possible, Alicia confirmed.

Then, thats good enough.

Philford nodded and shouted to the Avalon Knights and the knights of the other two Orders.

"Lord Argon, the representative of the Sky God Yupir, is on his way here. Our task is to stand firm until his arrival. Regardless of the number of Wyverns, once Lord Argon is with us, they will be vanquished. There's no need for fear in the face of their sheer quantity. Hold the line until Lord Argon's triumphant arrival, and victory will be ours. Can every one of you do this?" Paladin Rood rallied the troops, instilling hope and determination in the face of the imminent battle.

Philford's words had a profound impact on the assembled knights. Initially daunted by the formidable count of nearly a hundred Wyverns, a glimmer of hope kindled within them upon learning of Argon's imminent arrival. Buoyed by this newfound optimism, the knights steeled themselves to find a way to stall the Wyverns until the arrival of Argon.

Philford nodded with satisfaction when he saw the resolve in the knights expressions.

What if Lord Argon doesnt come on time? asked Alicia as she didnt understand why Philford informed the knights of an unconfirmed truth.

Thats a problem for us to worry about later. For now, it is important to give the knights hope that they can do it. That hope will help us hold out until Lord Argon arrives.

Thats true, even uncertain hope can give a big boost to humans. Alicia nodded and looked to the south sky.

Unbeknownst to the defenders, the Wyverns closed in, reaching approximately one kilometer from the outer walls of the Valencia Kingdom's capital. The imminent danger loomed as they were on the verge of closing into a distance of around five hundred metersthe maximum range at which a Wyvern's Breath could pose a threat.

1. To recap, one gapja refers to 60 years of energy if a martial artist were to cultivate their internal energy for 60 years.

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